ajuste : 747 phrases in 46 subjects |
Alternative dispute resolution | 1 |
Automated equipment | 10 |
Automobiles | 2 |
Aviation | 142 |
Business | 1 |
Chemistry | 1 |
Commerce | 8 |
Construction | 1 |
Corporate governance | 20 |
Economics | 121 |
Electrical engineering | 1 |
Electronics | 77 |
Environment | 1 |
Finances | 1 |
Fishery fishing industry | 1 |
Forestry | 2 |
General | 23 |
Geology | 2 |
Helicopters | 1 |
Idiomatic | 4 |
Informal | 6 |
Information technology | 1 |
International Monetary Fund | 87 |
Law | 24 |
Machine components | 1 |
Mathematics | 3 |
Measuring instruments | 1 |
Medical | 3 |
Metallurgy | 1 |
Microsoft | 26 |
Military | 1 |
Name of organization | 2 |
Oil / petroleum | 8 |
Packaging | 4 |
Pharmacology | 2 |
Pharmacy and pharmacology | 1 |
Politics | 1 |
Polygraphy | 2 |
Proverb | 1 |
Psychology | 1 |
Radio | 1 |
Technology | 141 |
Television | 1 |
Transport | 1 |
Travel | 1 |
United Nations | 6 |