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IT conventions
gen. convention
comp., MS convention
| sobre
commun. IT transmission envelope
comp., MS about; envelope
pack. overwrap; wrapper
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| prohibicion
environ. prohibition
del | empleo
lab.law. job placement
| almacenamiento
gen. storage
| produccion
chem. producing
| y
gen. and
| transferencia
econ. credit transfer
| de
gen. out of
| minas
coal. below ground
- only individual words found

to phrases
convención f
gen. convention
comp., MS convention (A rule that describes how to model a class with the Entity Framework)
law, agric. agreement
convenciones f
IT conventions
Convencion sobre la prohibicion del empleo, almacenamiento, produccion y transferencia de minas
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects
United Nations4