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comp., MS offline (Pertaining to a user who, during business hours (or at any time if no business hours have been set), is not signed in to any Lync or Communicator, or IM device and cannot be contacted by phone (no call forwarding information is published))
inet. off line
IT, tech. off-line
mech.eng. button out
tech. off
Desconectado m
comp., MS Appear offline (The status menu item that makes it appear to the user's contacts that he or she is currently offline); Offline (Pertaining to a user who, during business hours (or at any time if no business hours have been set), is not signed in to any Lync or Communicator, or IM device and cannot be contacted by phone (no call forwarding information is published))
altavoces desconectado m
tech. muted
desconectado v
comp., MS disconnected (Pertaining to a connection, session, or call that has, unintentionally or not, ended)
IT offline
desconectar v
gen. disable; discard; eleminate; put off; switch off; de-energize
avia. chop (energía eléctrica)
commun., IT to sign out
comp., MS disconnect (To break a connection); turn off (To remove power from a computer (or other device), either by a physical switch or through operating system software)
el. to open manually; to cut off; to disconnect; to interrupt; to switch off
police release
stat., IT disconnect
tech. detach; shut off; trip; turn-off; uncouple
transp., mech.eng. to unlatch
 Spanish thesaurus
desconectado m
IT, tech. off line
: 15 phrases in 6 subjects
Mechanic engineering1

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