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notice (A privacy principle that requires reasonable disclosure to a consumer of an entity's personally identifiable information (PII) collection and use practices. This disclosure information is typically conveyed in a privacy notice or privacy policy. Notice is addressed in Fair Information Practices) | |||
notification | |||
notification Information concerning a fact, actually communicated to a person by an authorized person | |||
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notification |
obvestilo : 65 phrases in 14 subjects |
Customs | 3 |
Data processing | 1 |
Electronics | 1 |
Environment | 4 |
Finances | 1 |
Fish farming pisciculture | 2 |
General | 14 |
Health care | 1 |
Information technology | 1 |
International trade | 4 |
Law | 20 |
Medical | 1 |
Microsoft | 11 |
Obsolete / dated | 1 |