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comp., MS මේල්
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[meɪl] n
comp., MS මේල් (The link to Windows Live Hotmail)
mail [meɪl] n
comp., MS මේල් (The exchange of text messages and computer files over a communications network, such as a local area network or the Internet)
 English thesaurus
Mail [meɪl] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .mai (file name extension)
comp., MS Mail (An app for sending and receiving email)
MAIL [meɪl] abbr.
abbr., el. magnetically coupled asymmetric interferometer logic
abbr., oil multi-frequency array induction logging
Nasdaq Mail.Com, Inc.
mail [meɪl] abbr.
abbr. ml.
Mail An app for sending and receiving email [meɪl] abbr.
abbr., comp., MS Mail
Mail Migration
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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