баланс : 539 phrases in 31 subjects |
Accounting | 3 |
Alternative dispute resolution | 1 |
Audit | 2 |
Aviation | 18 |
Chemistry | 3 |
Commerce | 51 |
Communications | 1 |
Corporate governance | 7 |
Economics | 233 |
Electronics | 13 |
Energy industry | 1 |
Environment | 12 |
Finances | 4 |
Food service and catering | 12 |
Forestry | 2 |
General | 15 |
Geology | 3 |
International Monetary Fund | 79 |
Law | 35 |
Mathematics | 1 |
Medical | 8 |
Microsoft | 5 |
Name of organization | 1 |
Oil / petroleum | 5 |
Patents | 1 |
Politics | 1 |
Statistics | 2 |
Stock Exchange | 9 |
Technology | 8 |
Trade unions | 1 |
Water resources | 2 |