
Russian-Italian dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Abbreviation 167
Accounting 1.925
Accumulators 9
Acoustics 28
Administrative geography 4
Administrative law 36
Advertising 58
Aerodynamics 5
Aerohydrodynamics 6
Aeronautics 6
Affectionate 79
Agriculture 1.184
Agrochemistry 1
Agronomy 1
Air conditioners 27
Airports and air traffic control 16
Allergology 3
Alpine skiing 16
Alternative dispute resolution 455
Aluminium industry 2
American usage, not spelling 59
American English spelling 2
Anatomy 1.185
Anesthesiology 9
Angling hobby 9
Animal husbandry 24
Animation and animated films 5
Antarctic 1
Antennas and waveguides 1.363
Anthropology 10
Antilles 1
Arabic language 2
Aragon 1
Archaeology 45
Archaic 298
Architecture 720
Archiving 2
Argentina 1
Art 236
Artificial intelligence 18
Artillery 17
Astringents 1
Astrology 9
Astronautics 94
Astronomy 7.039
Astrophysics 10
Audit 16
Augmentative 8
Austrian usage 1
Automated equipment 3.307
Automatic control 10
Automobiles 1.168
Aviation medicine 21
Aviation 1.134
Avuncular 370
Bacteriology 37
Bakery 7
Ballet 5
Ballistics 1
Banking 472
Baseball 10
Basketball 19
Beekeeping 37
Belarus 5
Beverages 8
Bible 148
Bibliography 8
Billiards 11
Biochemistry 148
Bioenergy 130
Biology 728
Biometry 1
Biophysics 2
Biotaxy 39
Biotechnology 251
Blast-furnace practice 66
Book binding 43
Bookish / literary 1.514
Botany 1.712
Boxing 24
Brazil 9
Brewery 6
Bricks 2
Bridge construction 5
British usage, not spelling 194
Buddhism 2
Building materials 293
Building structures 199
Business style 42
Business 961
Cables and cable production 223
Canada 5
Card games 158
Cardiology 35
Carpentry 3
Cartography 10
Catholic 26
Celestial mechanics 1
Cement 5
Ceramic tiles 5
Ceramics 25
Champagne and sparkling wines 3
Chat and Internet slang 4
Cheesemaking caseiculture 19
Chemical compounds 21
Chemical fibers 2
Chemical industry 4
Chemical nomenclature 2
Chemistry 28.309
Chess 107
Childish 64
Chile 3
Christianity 104
Chromatography 3
Cinema equipment 12
Cinematography 347
Circus 11
Civil law 36
Classical antiquity excl. mythology 6
Clerical 1.206
Cliche / convention 3
Climatology 90
Clinical trial 27
Clothing 700
Coffee 4
Collective 552
Colloid chemistry 4
Combating corruption 6
Combustion gas turbines 3
Comics 3
Commerce 201
Common law Anglo-Saxon legal system 1
Communications 126
Companies & Partnerships 2
Company name 1
Computer games 12
Computer graphics 14
Computer networks 29
Computer security 3
Computer tomography 1
Computers 323
Computing slang 14
Concrete 26
Confectionery 20
Construction 20.364
Contemptuous 377
Contextual meaning 92
Contracts 6
Conventional notation 3
Cooking 1.369
Copyright 8
Corporate governance 708
Cosmetics and cosmetology 380
Court law 4
Criminal jargon 8
Criminal law 24
Criminology 44
Cryptography 1
Crystallography 122
Cuba 1
Cultural studies 27
Customs 110
Cybernetics 3
Cycle sport 10
Cycling other than sport 21
Cytology 12
Dancing 1
Data processing 37
Databases 1
Demography 26
Dental implantology 13
Dentistry 127
Dermatology 8
Derogatory 154
Design 6
Dialectal 593
Dietology 4
Digital sound processing 1
Diminutive 242
Diplomacy 88
Disapproving 9
Disaster recovery 3
Diseases 21
Dog breeding 51
Drawing 31
Drilling 127
Drives 4
Drug name 18
Drug-related slang 20
Drugs and addiction medicine 1
Dyes 10
Earth sciences 1
Ecology 159
Economic law 1
Economics 38.559
Education 1.118
Egyptology 2
Elections 5
Electric machinery 172
Electric motors 1
Electric traction 1
Electrical engineering 2.226
Electricity generation 3
Electricity 74
Electrochemistry 4
Electromedicine 1
Electrometallurgy 1
Electronic commerce 1
Electronics 1.740
Electrothermy 1
Elevators 15
Embryology 2
Emphatic 11
Employment 9
Endocrinology 4
Energy distribution 1
Energy industry 157
Energy system 128
Engineering geology 27
Engineering 12
Engines 25
English 481
Entomology 40
Environment 5.240
Epidemiology 25
Equestrian sports 29
Esoterics 23
Ethnography 24
Ethnology 20
Ethology 2
Euphemistic 58
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 10
European Union 19
Evolution 5
Exclamation 15
Exhibitions 2
Explanatory translation 8
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal 3
Extrusion 4
Facilities 4
Fairy tales 32
Fantasy and science fiction 19
Fashion 49
Fencing 14
Fertilizers 3
Figurative 11.422
Figure of speech 54
Figure skating 145
Film lighting equipment 3
Film processing 1
Filming equipment 9
Finances 35.076
Firefighting and fire-control systems 94
Fish farming pisciculture 909
Fishery fishing industry 335
Floriculture 20
Flour production 4
Fodder 6
Foil ships 4
Folklore 39
Food industry 628
Food service and catering 676
Football 189
Footwear 597
Foreign policy 15
Foreign trade 23
Forensic medicine 9
Forensics 4
Forest chemistry 3
Forestry 77
Forging 1
Formal 64
Foundation engineering 15
Foundry 9
French 330
Furniture 689
Galvanoplasty 1
Gambling 31
Games other than sports 3
Gardening 19
Gas processing plants 18
Gastroenterology 8
General 430.208
Genetic engineering 5
Genetics 136
Geography 979
Geology 1.121
Geomechanics 5
Geometry 83
Geomorphology 18
Geophysics 58
German 16
Germany 27
Given name 17
Glass container manufacture 2
Glass production 17
Gold mining 4
Golf 5
Government, administration and public services 24
Grammar 611
Greek and Roman mythology 12
Ground forces Army 1
Gymnastics 11
Gynecology 17
Haberdashery 2
Hacking 5
Hairdressing 29
Handball 1
Handicraft 77
Health care 78
Heat exchangers 11
Heat transfer 15
Heating 46
Heavy equipment vehicles 4
Helicopters 18
Helminthology 1
Hematology 8
Heraldry 11
Herpetology incl. serpentology 3
Hi-Fi 32
Hindi 2
Histology 5
Historical figure 11
Historical 1.829
Hobbies and pastimes 10
Horse breeding 2
Horse racing 11
Horticulture 96
Hotel industry 31
Household appliances 98
Human resources 13
Humorous / Jocular 1.211
Hunting 103
Hydraulic engineering 6
Hydraulics 100
Hydroelectric power stations 4
Hydrogeology 16
Hydrography 62
Hydrology 155
Hydromechanics 2
Hygiene 5
Ice hockey 33
Ichthyology 884
Idiomatic 1.187
Iimitative onomatopoeic 7
Immigration and citizenship 5
Immunology 29
Industrial hygiene 2
Industry 82
Informal 18.132
Information security and data protection 9
Information technology 2.171
Inheritance law 2
Insurance 348
Integrated circuits 1
Intelligence and security services 5
International law 13
International relations 45
International trade 9
International transportation 22
Internet 397
Invective 234
Investment 33
Ironical 628
Isolation 30
Italian 78
Japan 1
Japanese language 3
Jargon 332
Jewelry 45
Journalism terminology 131
Judaism 2
Karachaganak 2
Knitted goods 79
Labor law 60
Labor organization 28
Laboratory equipment 41
Landscaping 11
Lasers 7
Latin 1.061
Law enforcement 8
Law 31.746
Leather 150
Legal entity types business legal structures 3
Librarianship 6
Life sciences 1
Lighting other than cinema 78
Linguistics 675
Literally 2
Literature 495
Loading equipment 33
Local name 2
Logging 25
Logic 9
Logistics 75
Low register 20
LP players 1
Machine components 11
Machine tools 40
Machinery and mechanisms 33
Magnetic tomography 1
Magnetics 187
Makarov 1
Malacology 1
Malay 1
Mammalogy 11
Mammals 57
Management 37
Maritime law & Law of the Sea 1
Marketing 144
Mass media 31
Material safety data sheet 9
Materials science 18
Mathematical analysis 3
Mathematics 28.610
Measuring instruments 69
Meat processing 60
Mechanic engineering 373
Mechanics 196
Medical appliances 73
Medical 40.529
Medicine - Alternative medicine 1
Melioration 2
Metal physics 3
Metal science 32
Metallurgy 20.175
Metalworking 70
Meteorology 164
Metro and rapid transit 3
Metrology 11
Mexican 1
Microbiology 57
Microelectronics 8
Microsoft 14.127
Military aviation 14
Military lingo 16
Military 36.317
Milk production 44
Mineral processing 4
Mineral products 3
Mineralogy 459
Mining 477
Missiles 7
Misused 1
Mobile and cellular communications 16
Modern use 8
Molecular biology 6
Molecular genetics 1
Motorcycles 14
Mountaineering 8
Multimedia 4
Municipal planning 8
Museums 8
Music 1.028
Musical instruments 28
Mycology 19
Mythology 270
Name of organization 1.202
Names and surnames 108
Nanotechnology 11
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation 3
Nautical 1.362
Navigation 4
Navy 30
Neapolitan 60
Neologism 57
Neurology 17
Neuropsychology 8
Non-destructive testing 201
Non-governmental organizations 5
Nonferrous industry 7
Nonstandard 3.198
Notarial practice 89
Nuclear and fusion power 29
Nuclear physics 219
Numismatics 10
Nursing 2
Obsolete / dated 5.628
Obstetrics 28
Occupational health & safety 58
Oceanography & oceanology 8
Office equipment 6
Officialese 177
Oil / petroleum 74
Oil and gas technology 22
Oil and gas 42
Oil processing plants 40
Oilfields 14
Oils and lubricants 7
Old orthography 1
Oncology 45
Ophthalmology 88
Optics branch of physics 200
Organic chemistry 10
Organized crime 5
Ornithology 354
Orthopedics 17
Outdoor activities and extreme sports 5
Packaging 7.928
Paint work 6
Paint, varnish and lacquer 24
Painting 251
Paleontology 36
Paleozoology 2
Parapsychology 10
Parasitology 11
Patents 127
Pathology 4
Pedagogics 16
Pediatrics 3
Pejorative 13
Penitentiary system 1
Perfume 48
Persian 1
Personal protective equipment 21
Pest control 66
Pets 5
Pharmacology 254
Pharmacy and pharmacology 264
Philately / stamp collecting 16
Philology 12
Philosophy 410
Phonetics 24
Photography 155
Physics 1.128
Physiology 149
Pipelines 56
Planning 1
Plastics 93
Platform diving 19
Plumbing 92
Poetic 865
Poetry terminology 4
Police jargon 4
Police 112
Political economy 79
Politics 836
Polygraphy 862
Polymers 47
Pompous 36
Postal service 13
Poultry farming 12
Powder metallurgy 1
Power electronics 233
Press equipment 4
Prison slang 20
Private international law 2
Procedural law 32
Procurement 5
Production 107
Professional jargon 8
Programming 49
Project management 17
Projectors 2
Proper and figurative 9
Proverb 5.308
Psychiatry 76
Psycholinguistics 6
Psychology 560
Psychopathology 13
Psychophysiology 8
Psychotherapy 62
Public law 22
Public transportation 4
Public utilities 7
Publishing 5
Pulmonology 8
Pulp and paper industry 34
Pumps 33
Quality control and standards 48
Quantum mechanics 14
Quarrying 1
Quotes and aphorisms 9
Racing and motorsport 6
Radio 10.661
Radioastronomy 2
Radiobiology 1
Radiolocation 18
Radiology 4
Rail transport 371
Real estate 117
Records management 9
Refractory materials 1
Refrigeration 76
Regional usage other than language varieties 42
Reliability 6
Religion 552
Research and development 84
Resins 20
Rhetoric 1
Road construction 29
Road sign 7
Road surface 2
Road traffic 102
Road works 104
Robotics 55
Roll stock 215
Rude 1.117
Rugby football 7
Sailing ships 4
Sailing 2
Sanitation 48
SAP finance 8
SAP tech. 9
SAP 17
Saying 1.169
School and university subjects 2
School 37
Scientific 99
Scuba diving 9
Sculpture 7
Securities 8
Security systems 276
Seismology 7
Semiconductors 6
Service industry 5
Sewage and wastewater treatment 81
Sewing and clothing industry 33
Sex and sexual subcultures 8
Sexology 15
Ship handling 1
Shipbuilding 742
Shooting sport 1
Show business 12
Sicilian 811
Signalling 1
Silicate industry 10
Skydiving 2
Slang 200
Social media 7
Social science 6
Socialism 14
Sociology 107
Software 70
Soil mechanics 2
Soil science 42
Solar power 29
Solid-state physics 2
Sound recording 12
Soviet 9
Space 10
Spanish-American 1
Spanish 16
Speed skating 2
Spoken 1
Sporting goods 2
Sports 1.383
Stamping 3
Stationery 1
Statistics 902
Stock Exchange 1.030
Stonemasonry 5
Stratified plastics 10
Stratigraphy 1
Strength of materials 27
Stylistics 3
Sublime 9
Submarines 3
Superlative 1
Surgery 125
Surname 1
Survey 2
Surveying 127
Swimming 21
Swiss term 1
Tabletop games 1
Taboo expressions and obscenities 4
Taxes 109
Technology 98.275
Teenager slang 28
Telecommunications 47
Telephony 208
Television 356
Tennis 22
Textile industry 1.299
Theatre 351
Thermal engineering 80
Thermodynamics 10
Titles of works of art 1
Tobacco industry 20
Tools 71
Topography 1
Topology 2
Toponym 542
Toxicology 18
Toys 4
Trade unions 2
Trademark 53
Traditional medicine 2
Transformers 2
Transplantology 2
Transport 172
Traumatology 13
Travel 120
Tribology 5
Tunneling 1
Tuscan 296
Typography 18
Ufology 8
Ultrasound 1
Uncommon / rare 202
Unit measures 22
United Nations 17
United States 84
University 52
Urology 4
Ventilation 84
Vernacular language 2
Veterinary medicine 69
Video recording 1
Virology 36
Volcanology 5
Volleyball 16
Vulgar 106
Warehouse 27
Waste management 48
Watchmaking 59
Water resources 60
Water supply 92
Weapons and gunsmithing 24
Weapons of mass destruction 3
Weaving 7
Weightlifting 5
Welding 106
Welfare & Social Security 47
Wellness 2
Wind Energy 1
Windows 2
Wine growing 100
Wine tasting 1
Winemaking 179
Wiring 1
Wood processing 157
Work flow 8
World trade organization 1
Wrestling 1
X-ray 4
Yachting 214
Zoology 906
Zootechnics 19
Total: 990.043
Terms added by users
massimo67 28.524
Avenarius 19.793
I. Havkin 13.231
Taras 11.339
gorbulenko 9.351
spanishru 8.390
Olya34 5.394
Assiolo 5.091
vpp 4.371
Sergei Aprelikov 4.035
oksanamazu 3.194
Lantra 2.343
Rossinka 2.076
armoise 2.060
giummara 1.730
Himera 1.502
Валерия 555 1.443
Nuto4ka 1.335
Andrey Truhachev 1.283
pincopallina 1.199
nikolay_fedorov 1.055
Ann_Chernn_ 952
Незваный гость из будущего 929
alesssio 922
livebetter.ru 919
Briciola25 811
tania_mouse 807
erikkru 721
s_somova 659

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