| |||
approuver (kee46); adopter (предложение, решение, план, проект и т.п.); recevoir (экзамен, в учебное заведение); prendre livraison (товар); recevoir livraison (товар); prendre (pour за Notburga); accorder un rendez-vous (Il lui a reproché le refus de lui accorder un rendez-vous. I. Havkin); accueillir (благосклонно Morning93); recueillir (kee46) | |||
accepter | |||
repêcher | |||
accepter (предложение); admettre (в партию); adopter (закон); recevoir; accueillir | |||
vérifier; homologuer | |||
| |||
entreprendre de faire qch (за что-л.); s'y prendre | |||
prendre racine | |||
| |||
recevez de la part de ... (totoll); veuillez agréer... (...; формула письма) | |||
| |||
embrasser (...embrasser d'abord les entières conséquences. anawim) | |||
| |||
aborder (Il faut enfin aborder les problèmes immédiats. I. Havkin) | |||
| |||
accorder qch (Nicolas II est obligé d'accorder un système constitutionnel en instaurant des Soviets Morning93) | |||
| |||
agréer (kee46) |
принять : 649 phrases in 46 subjects |
Alternative dispute resolution | 5 |
Aviation | 1 |
Bookish / literary | 1 |
Business | 12 |
Cliche / convention | 4 |
Corporate governance | 1 |
Court law | 1 |
Diplomacy | 1 |
Education | 1 |
Figurative | 56 |
Finances | 4 |
Football | 1 |
Foreign policy | 2 |
Formal | 2 |
General | 214 |
Geology | 3 |
Historical | 1 |
Idiomatic | 16 |
Informal | 24 |
International law | 1 |
Ironical | 1 |
Journalism terminology | 44 |
Judo | 2 |
Law | 19 |
Literature | 1 |
Medical | 1 |
Military | 3 |
Music | 1 |
Nautical | 2 |
Nonstandard | 1 |
Obsolete / dated | 190 |
Optics branch of physics | 2 |
Patents | 3 |
Politics | 11 |
Project management | 2 |
Proverb | 3 |
Quotes and aphorisms | 1 |
Rhetoric | 1 |
Shipbuilding | 1 |
Slang | 2 |
Surgery | 1 |
Technology | 1 |
Telephony | 2 |
United Nations | 1 |
Volleyball | 1 |
Wrestling | 1 |