
Russian-Estonian dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Abbreviation 809
Accounting 356
Accumulators 5
Acoustics 30
Additive manufacturing & 3D printing 1
Administrative law 13
Advertising 41
Affectionate 10
Agriculture 357
Agrochemistry 1
Air conditioners 6
Airports and air traffic control 2
Alternative dispute resolution 281
Amphibians and reptiles 12
Anatomy 240
Animal husbandry 4
Antilles 1
Arabic language 2
Aragon 1
Archaeology 13
Architecture 65
Argentina 1
Art 80
Artillery 19
Astronautics 6
Astronomy 120
Audit 30
Augmentative 4
Austrian usage 1
Automated equipment 11
Automobiles 848
Aviation 125
Avuncular 18
Bakery 5
Banking 172
Belarus 2
Bible 11
Biochemistry 16
Biology 117
Biotechnology 1
Bookish / literary 8
Botany 965
Brazil 8
Brewery 3
Building materials 201
Building structures 49
Business 54
Cables and cable production 12
Canada 5
Cartography 2
Ceramics 1
Chemical compounds 1
Chemical industry 3
Chemistry 497
Childish 14
Chile 3
Christianity 26
Cinema equipment 1
Cinematography 28
Civil law 4
Clerical 140
Clinical trial 1
Clothing 26
Collective 201
College vernacular 1
Commerce 72
Communications 4
Computer games 1
Computer graphics 2
Computer networks 55
Computers 358
Concrete 18
Confectionery 3
Construction 21.918
Contemptuous 139
Cooking 136
Copyright 3
Corporate governance 7
Cosmetics and cosmetology 4
Criminal law 6
Criminology 8
Customs 4
Cybernetics 4
Data processing 6
Databases 8
Dentistry 7
Derogatory 14
Dialectal 1
Diminutive 378
Diplomacy 3
Dog breeding 1
Drawing 3
Drug name 4
Drug-related slang 1
Ecology 495
Economics 557
Education 6.929
Electric machinery 14
Electrical engineering 321
Electricity 1
Electronics 62
Employment 1
Energy industry 63
Energy system 10
Engines 6
English 10
Entomology 6
Environment 5.606
Esoterics 2
Estonian language 250
Ethnography 12
Ethnology 6
Euphemistic 9
European Union 42
Exhibitions 26
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal 4
Fairy tales 1
Fashion 2
Figurative 2.597
Figure of speech 39
Finances 195
Firefighting and fire-control systems 114
Fish farming pisciculture 43
Fishery fishing industry 32
Floriculture 1
Folklore 38
Food industry 132
Football 6
Footwear 3
Foreign policy 1
Foreign trade 2
Forensics 1
Forest chemistry 3
Forestry 1.654
Formal 8
Furniture 17
Gambling 4
Gardening 45
Gas processing plants 1
General 93.700
Genetics 2
Geography 238
Geology 182
Germany 25
Given name 14
Glaciology 7
Glass production 2
Golf 1
Government, administration and public services 1
Grammar 212
Greek 3
Handicraft 3
Health care 14
Heating 91
High frequency electronics 2
Histology 5
Historical 716
Horticulture 8
Hotel industry 9
Household appliances 25
Hovercraft 1
Human resources 1
Humorous / Jocular 27
Hunting 20
Hydroelectric power stations 3
Hydrogeology 10
Hydrography 18
Hydrology 3
Hygiene 2
Ichthyology 3
Idiomatic 55
Iimitative onomatopoeic 1
Immunology 3
Industrial hygiene 9
Industry 41
Informal 7.581
Information technology 27
Inheritance law 2
Insurance 36
International law 3
International relations 3
International trade 1
Internet 196
Invective 9
Investment 7
Ironical 43
Isolation 4
Israel 2
Japanese language 1
Jargon 41
Jewelry 2
Journalism terminology 1
Labor law 15
Labor organization 2
Latin 52
Law 1.132
Leather 14
Librarianship 7
Lighting other than cinema 13
Linguistics 155
Literature 1.687
Loading equipment 1
Logging 10
Logistics 40
Low register 2
Machine tools 33
Machinery and mechanisms 2
Magnetic image recording 3
Malay 1
Mammals 62
Management 20
Marketing 43
Mass media 14
Mathematical analysis 1
Mathematics 4.786
Measuring instruments 12
Meat processing 8
Mechanic engineering 14
Mechanics 25
Medical appliances 2
Medical 1.041
Melioration 5
Metal physics 1
Metal science 17
Metallurgy 61
Meteorology 115
Microbiology 1
Microelectronics 1
Microsoft 8.692
Military aviation 1
Military 631
Milk production 1
Mineralogy 59
Mining 104
Missiles 1
Misused 291
Mobile and cellular communications 1
Municipal planning 5
Museums 1
Music 277
Mycology 1
Mythology 64
Nautical 425
Navigation 2
Neuropsychology 1
Non-governmental organizations 2
Nonstandard 14
Notarial practice 19
Nuclear physics 1
Obsolete / dated 1.914
Occupational health & safety 178
Officialese 8
Oil / petroleum 7
Oil and gas 27
Oil processing plants 5
Oilfields 5
Oncology 7
Ophthalmology 1
Optics branch of physics 14
Organic chemistry 7
Organized crime 5
Ornithology 457
Packaging 29
Paint work 72
Paint, varnish and lacquer 43
Painting 13
Patents 15
Pharmacology 29
Pharmacy and pharmacology 10
Philology 4
Philosophy 48
Photography 120
Physical chemistry 1
Physics 152
Physiology 28
Phytophathology 1
Pipelines 4
Plastics 1
Plumbing 27
Poetic 254
Police 18
Political economy 4
Politics 249
Polygraphy 49
Polymers 14
Pompous 8
Postal service 7
Procedural law 1
Production 47
Professional jargon 11
Programming 9
Proverb 6
Psychiatry 18
Psychology 81
Psychotherapy 22
Public law 12
Publishing 5
Pulp and paper industry 8
Quality control and standards 9
Radio 44
Radiology 3
Rail transport 133
Real estate 112
Records management 3
Refrigeration 24
Regional usage other than language varieties 106
Religion 106
Research and development 10
Road construction 3
Road sign 4
Road surface 1
Road traffic 86
Road works 84
Robotics 1
Rude 9
Sailing ships 1
Sanitation 1
Saying 5
School and university subjects 1
School 2
Scientific 25
Securities 2
Security systems 109
Seismology 1
Sewage and wastewater treatment 12
Sewing and clothing industry 10
Shipbuilding 27
Slang 4
Social media 4
Sociology 31
Software 4
Soil science 9
Soviet 7
Spanish 1
Sports 363
Stationery 1
Statistics 306
Stock Exchange 37
Strength of materials 1
Surveying 36
Taxes 51
Technology 3.941
Telecommunications 33
Telephony 15
Television 9
Textile industry 144
Theatre 93
Thermal engineering 107
Thermodynamics 4
Tools 43
Toponym 641
Trade unions 16
Trademark 10
Transport 109
Travel 45
Trucks/Lorries 1
Typography 60
Uncommon / rare 2
Unit measures 8
United Nations 16
United States 78
University 9
Ventilation 67
Vernacular language 22
Veterinary medicine 4
Vulgar 4
Warehouse 4
Waste management 19
Watchmaking 2
Water supply 101
Weapons and gunsmithing 6
Weapons of mass destruction 1
Welding 139
Welfare & Social Security 18
Wine growing 13
Winemaking 14
Wood processing 145
Work flow 3
Wrestling 13
Zoology 590
Zootechnics 2
Total: 184.433
Terms added by users
ВВладимир 28.651
platon 3.175
TM1 2.195
mailbag 1.083
SBS 797
Andrey Truhachev 736
nikolay_fedorov 697
dara1 668
furtiva 569
Марина Раудар 423
boshper 411
trancegrief 320
igisheva 318
Censonis 261
aljona77 244
bdvain 242
konnad 222
Olesja_22 191
midori 165
narska 158
tallinlanna 151
kmaadla 132
nilus 112
Zhukovzh 99
JuliaTln 97
felixfortuna 75
V.Safronov 72
gerbera 71
Супру 48
marisha2005 46

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