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CPAF abbr.stresses
abbr. Capital Project Approval Form; Capital Project Authorization Form; Center for the Pacific Asian Family; Christian Performing Artists' Fellowship; Christian Performing Astists' Fellowship; Custom Processing Adjustment Factor; Chlamydial Protease- or Proteasome-like Activity Factor
abbr., commer. Cost Plus Award-Fee
abbr., health., med. Clinical Pharmacology Analytical Facility
abbr., law Case Processing Assistance Fund; Conflict And Policy Assessment Framework
abbr., mil. Cost Plus Award Fee
abbr., mil., avia. cost plus award fee
abbr., physiol., med. Chlamydial Protease– or Proteasome–like Activity Factor
abbr., relig. Calvary Pandan Adult Fellowship
abbr., sport. California Police Athletic Federation
cpaf abbr.
abbr. cost plus award fee
: 1 phrase in 1 subject