
   Russian English
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у него
 у него
gen. he has; he has got; he's got
math. he has
| для каждого
 для каждого
gen. each
math. the inequality holds if and only if a=b for every k and n
найдтся | доброе слово
 доброе слово
gen. a word of encouragement
- only individual words found

to phrases
у негоstresses
gen. he has; he has got (MichaelBurov); he's got (MichaelBurov)
math. he it has (есть)
nonstand. his (У него сестра на заводе работает – His sister works at the plant MichaelBurov)
 Russian thesaurus
у него
inf. его (У него жена русская MichaelBurov)
у него для каждого
: 3 phrases in 1 subject