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gen. knock; jostle; jumble; hustle; shove; scrouge
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verb | verb | to phrases
толкать vstresses
gen. flirt; flurt; hunk; joust; just; nub; pig; poss; potter; pushing; shog; shun; shunt; shove; thrust; prompt; urge on; spur; ivy; poke; prod; bump; press; propel; poke down; poke up; press down; bunt; elbow; jab; leg; dig; job; shover; push against (WiseSnake); hunch (Franka_LV); shoulder (ся); spirit (на что-либо – on); push back (В.И.Макаров); incite; instigate; bundle; crowd; flog; horn; sweep; induce; jog; jostle; joggle; force someone's hand (на что-либо); punch (палкой); puncher (палкой); impel; bump into
Gruzovik push (impf of толкнуть); bump into (impf of толкнуть); incite (impf of толкнуть); instigate (impf of толкнуть)
automat. heave; hit; impact; ram
book. contrude (редк. MichaelBurov)
construct. cant
dial. poach; thrutch (Vadim Rouminsky)
fig. incite (with на + acc., to); put up (to); make (на: Imagination is what makes us want to explore. SirReal)
footb. push (противника)
inf. pat; hustle (Vadim Rouminsky)
Makarov. push aside; force hand (на что-либо); poke at; determine; push down; poke in
Makarov., inf. dig in; dig into
mech. jar
mech.eng., obs. shake
nautic. swing; push
obs. concite; shoggle
phys. jolt; shock
slang move (a pound of meth – толкнуть фунт мета maystay); boff; deep six; spill; sling (sling crack rock or get a wicked jump shot – Чтобы подняться, ты либо толкаешь дурь, либо недурно забиваешь мяч. lawput); oontz; push (продавать); sell (VLZ_58)
sport. put
tech. jerk; kick; throw
толкаться v
gen. knock; jostle (one another); jumble; hustle; shove; scrouge; hunch (Franka_LV); push strollers through (the subways, public transport etc. PyatKopeyek); try to get access (to); try to see; thrust; fribble; huddle; push; try to get into; press against each other
Gruzovik push one another; try to see (impf of толкнуться); try to get access to (impf of толкнуться)
athlet. jostle (во время соревнования); push (во время соревнования)
dial. thrutch (Vadim Rouminsky)
el. jog
Gruzovik, inf. knock about; knock around
inf. to around; strike (with о + acc., against); knock on the door of (with в + acc.); idle; loaf
nautic. elbow
slang Spanish archer (локтями Vadim Rouminsky)
"толкать" v
slang push (продавать; наркотики – He is pushing dope Tamerlane)
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