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принципиальный adj.stresses
gen. in principle; essential (But it takes no small amount of conviction in the essential rightness of one's own enterprise to regard one's history with a cold, clear eye and say, "I have no regrets". – Но в них не чувствуется и доли убеждения в принципиальной правоте своих действий, позволяющей взглянуть на своё прошлое трезвым, незамутненным взглядом и сказать: "Я ни о чем не сожалею" Irina Verbitskaya); high toned; revolutionary; principal; of principle; adhering to principles; principled; high-toned; ultimate (A.Rezvov); fundamental (Это убийство требует принципиального переосмысления процессов, происходящих в обществе. (This murder requires a fundamental rethinking of what's going on in society) Alexander Demidov); key (Обеспечение доступности жилья для молодых семей – принципиальный момент в решении демографической проблемы в России. (Providing affordable housing for young families is key to improving the demographic situation in Russia) Alexander Demidov); of principles
Gruzovik based on principle; basic; general
comp. conceptual
fig. unflinching (Vadim Rouminsky)
Makarov. profound; schematic
math. crucial
scient. proof-of-concept (MichaelBurov); proof-of-principle (MichaelBurov)
принципиально adv.
из принципа
gen. on principle; truly (daetoya); in broad brush (What a ridiculous article to point out all the reasons one might look at the record and decide in broad brush that Stacey is correct, but then find a ... | In broad brush terms gate receipts should approximately fund the playing budget. | In broad brush strokes, recruiting in Malaysia means encountering the same issues inherent to many an up-and-coming or newly industrialised ... Alexander Demidov); in broad-brush terms (A procedure of apportionment is used whereby each student instance is, where necessary, divided in a way that in broad-brush terms reflects the pattern of a ... Alexander Demidov); ultimately (cognachennessy); in principle (о возможности; в нек. случаях будет уместно перевести прилагательным: On Sunday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Biden agreed "in principle" to a meeting with Putin sometime after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meet on Thursday — as long as Russia does not further invade Ukraine. – ...выразил "принципиальное" согласие на...); key ("This is key because it allows us to tackle applications such as rescue or crisis management, in the aftermath of an earthquake for example," she told BBC News. BBC Alexander Demidov); of critical importance (anyname1); critical (anyname1); essentially (essentially the same structure, function, etc. alexLun); particularly (Ex-England boss Graham Taylor says that players not wanting to play for their country is "nothing particularly new" – BBC Tamerlane); critically (принципиально важный аспект – critical aspect Moscowtran); crucially (lexio)
Gruzovik on a question of principle
econ. in fundamental ways (A.Rezvov)
law intrinsically (Alexander Demidov)
math. basically; in crucial respect; radically; fundamentally; theoretically
rhetor. as a matter of principle (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang it goes a long way (Damirules)
tech. conceptually (Yakov F.)
принципиально не
: 19 phrases in 6 subjects
Figure of speech2
Fish farming pisciculture1