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преодолевающий препятствиеstresses
mil. breaching an obstacle; bridging an obstacle; dealing with an obstacle; forcing an obstacle; hurdling an obstacle; negotiating an obstacle; overcoming an obstacle; overleaping an obstacle; passing an obstacle
sport. clearing the obstacle; surmounting an obstacle
преодолевать препятствие
gen. conquer the obstacle (all difficulties, his opposition, bad habits, etc., и т.д.); take an obstacle
adv. surmount obstacles
avia. overcome the obstacle
busin. tackle the obstacle, problem
fig. cross the river
Makarov. surmount obstacle; jump off (в конном спорте); overcome a handicap
mil. breach an obstacle; bridge an obstacle (устройством прохода поверх него); deal with an obstacle; hurdle an obstacle; leap an obstacle; negotiate an obstacle; overleap an obstacle; pass an obstacle; bridge an obstacle (устройством прохода поверх него); force obstacle (с боем); force an obstacle; overcome an obstacle; force obstacle (с боем)
mil., arm.veh. hurdle
mil., tech. establish a breach; throw a bridge; span
sport. clear the obstacle; surmount an obstacle
tech. negotiate obstacle; clear an obstacle; clear an obstruction
преодолевать препятствия
gen. bridge; hurdle; surmount obstacles; jump over hurdles (Anglophile); all before one; go through obstacles (USA Today Alex_Odeychuk); break down barriers (SirReal); overcome obstacles
amer. negotiate (There was a puddle to be negotiated. Val_Ships)
busin. overcome difficulties
econ. overcome obstructions; clear obstacles; clear obstructions
Makarov. bridge a river; hurdle up
mil., arm.veh. take obstacles
mil., tech. force obstacles (с боем)
subl. overcome the barriers (MichaelBurov)
преодолевающий препятствие
: 30 phrases in 7 subjects
Armored vehicles3
Equestrian sports1