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gen. complex; integrated; all-up; all-inclusive; synthetic; all-in
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gen. character
| технического объекта
 технический объект
sec.sys. man-made object
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комплексный adj.stresses
gen. complex; integrated; all-up; all-inclusive; synthetic; all-in; crosscutting (напр., о информационной системе, "пересекающей" несколько прикладных областей x741); multidimensional (Kalyaguin); sophisticated (MargeWebley); full-service (Евгений Тамарченко); aggregated (MichaelBurov); full-scale (Евгений Тамарченко); all around; all inclusive; pluridisciplinary; synthetical; rounded (напр., rounded education, rounded measure, rounded personality Maria Klavdieva); composite (составной); global (contextual MargeWebley); 360-degree (fig. All-encompassing, comprehensive (esp. of a study or assessment); (Business) designating or relating to an evaluation of job performance in which an employee is assessed by peers and subordinates in addition to a superior or superiors. 1965 N.Y. Times Bk. Rev. 11 July 4/1 Seen in the purest perspectives of fiction, this book..is curiously disappointing. As a 360-degree examination of the ‘situation' in the South of the 1960's, however, it has stunning sociological relevance. 1990 PR Newswire (Nexis) 3 Dec. This ‘assessment tool' combines the results of a leadership study with an evaluation technique called ‘360-degree feedback'. 1993 Training Mar. 33/1 The person being rated also fills out the survey and is evaluated by peers and higher management, affording..a 360-degree examination. 1995 T. Cramer & D. Munson Eckankar (ed. 2) iv. 40 There is always a risk of losing the 360-degree viewpoint. 2002 Christian Sci. Monitor (Electronic ed.) 27 Nov. The willingness of smaller nations to play a role–without developing full-scale, ‘360 degree' militaries of their own–has helped. OED Alexander Demidov); overall (Lavrov); full-blown (Ася Кудрявцева); wraparound (DC); wrap-around (DC); holistic (Alexander Demidov); all-in-one (Баян); inclusive (Alexander Matytsin); wide-ranging (Ремедиос_П); substantial (Johnny Bravo); multi-pronged (Ремедиос_П); full service (Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik all-embracing
Игорь Миг across-the-board; multi-purpose; one-size-fits-all
automat. holonic (напр., о производственной системе); packaged (напр., о подходе к технической проблеме); unified; unifying (напр., о модели); wholistic; imaginar image
avia. integral
busin. multipurpose
comp. comprehensive
dat.proc. advanced (Alex_Odeychuk)
dipl. multipronged (о подходе, решении и т.п.)
econ. packaged; multiple; combined; blanket
fig. overarching (Alexander Matytsin)
fin. compound
hydr. multiobjective
IT integrated (об автоматизации); unitized; aggregate; end-to-end; seamless (nikolkor)
Makarov. multifacet; all-around
math. complex-valued; imaginary (Imaginary - это мнимый. В современной терминологии мнимые числа - только те комплексные, которые имеют нулевую действительную часть.Верно лишь как устаревшее название, ранее комплексные числа также называли мнимыми lo_specchio)
med. mixed
mil. composite; multigun (об установке)
mil., artil. multigun (об орудийной или пулемётной установке)
nautic. package (о плане, программе)
polit. package (атрибутивное употребление (в качестве определения) ssn)
polym. multifilament (о нити)
relig. decomplex
scient. multi-method (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang E2E (catsim84)
tech. all-round
weap. multigun (о пулемётной установке ABelonogov)
комплексно adv.
gen. holistically (Morning93); in a comprehensive manner (Levairia); in an integrated fashion (Tamerlane); from a holistic perspective (financial-engineer); in a holistic way (The development and acceptance of models that allow the cost-effectiveness of both technical and non-technical measures to be assessed in a holistic way has been a particularly useful outcome of the programme. Sergei Aprelikov)
Игорь Миг across the board
astronaut. all-up
automat. wholistically
dipl. in an integrated manner (bigmaxus)
polit. as a single package (ssn); in a single package (ssn)
rhetor. as a cohesive whole (Alex_Odeychuk)
комплексное MTO adj.
mil., WMD integrated logistics support
комплексное свойство
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
Energy industry2
Mass media1
Oil and gas2