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verb | verb | to phrases
зазнавать vstresses
inf. become conceited (impf of зазнаться); get puffed up (impf of зазнаться)
зазнаваться v
gen. put on airs; put on frills (Anglophile); be presumptuous; overween; get above oneself; think no small beer of oneself; give oneself airs (Anglophile); get a big head (Rust71); too big for one's britches (behaving as if you are more important than you really are: He's been getting too big for his britches since he got that promotion vogeler); get carried away (Taras); carry it high; go high in the instep; a bit above oneself; above oneself; be a bit above oneself; be above oneself; get a bit above oneself
brit. get uppish (ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. become conceited (impf of зазнаться); get puffed up (impf of зазнаться)
idiom. bit above oneself (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. swell with importance; get a swelled head
Makarov. get a swollen head; have a swollen head
: 12 phrases in 1 subject