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единица измерения
 Единица измерения
O&G, sakh. Range Unit
 единица измерения
gen. unit; unit of measure; unit of measurement; module
busin. measure
comp., MS measurement unit
construct. modulus
dril. mesh
oil reference stand
| натурального
textile natural
объма | издания
publish. publication
- only individual words found

to phrases
единица измеренияstresses
gen. unit; unit of measure; unit of measurement; module
busin. measure
comp., MS measurement unit (The size or distance in the real world)
construct. modulus; measuring unit; metage
dril. mesh (номер сита); reference standard
el. MU
electric. EGU (engineering unit Inchionette)
hydraul. engineering unit (Челядник Евгений)
immunol. standard
Makarov. piece
math. the unit of measurement
mech.eng., obs. std.
mil. mea. unit (WiseSnake); measurement unit
misused measurement (igisheva)
ocean. standard unit
oil reference stand
phys. Unit amount (iwona)
progr. metric unit (ssn)
SAP. measured amount; units of measure
SAP.tech. UOM; Un
tax. Unique Quantity Code (в счетах-фактурах по НТУ Jenny1801)
tech. unit measure; computing unit; Em (Андрей Андреевич); dimension (корпорации AdaCore Alex_Odeychuk); unit (в таблице)
torped. unit of issue (штук, ящиков, мешков, тонн и т.д.)
единицы измерения
fin. computing unit
IT units of measurement; measurement units
oil units
progr. metric units (ssn); units for measuring (ssn)
единица измерения pH
chem. pH (igisheva)
Единица измерения
O&G, sakh. Range Unit (dariya_lozovaya)
единица измерения натурального
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects