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в случае
 в случае
gen. for; were
econ. with
law should
math. with
mech. if; provided
scient. for
 в случаях
gen. in circumstances
| снятия
gen. raising
- only individual words found

to phrases
в случаеstresses
gen. for (В случае финансовых активов, учитываемых по амортизированной стоимости = For financial assets recognized at amortized cost. For financial assets recognized at amortized cost, the impairment loss is measured as the difference between the asset's carrying value and the ... Alexander Demidov); were (Conditional sentences can also be used in a more hypothetical form which is also encountered in legal negotiations. This involves the use of the word were followed by the infinitive with Сto'. Thus: If we were to make an offer there would have to be some assurance that this would be kept secret. It is also possible to invert were along with the subject and to omit if. Thus: Were we to make an offer there would have to be some assurance that this would be kept secret. LE Alexander Demidov); on the chance; in the context of; in the event that there is (ABelonogov); in event (janette); if faced with (Ремедиос_П); in event of (ssn); as applied to (as applied to A – в случае A Dominator_Salvator); in the event of (+ gen.); in case of (Duty teacher always knows where the key is in case of emergencies. • She was emphatic in her instructions: few but good, neutrals only, minimal adornment, and in case of doubt, abstain. Alexander Demidov); in response to (чего-либо; (контекстный перевод) См. пример в статье "при". I. Havkin); in the event that (ABelonogov); in case; on occasion; upon occasion; in case of (+ gen.)
econ. with (чего-либо A.Rezvov); in the event
law should (The word should is commonly used in a professional context with this future form of conditional sentence in place of if. This conveys a more reserved and formal impression to the reader or listener. Thus: Should you encounter any further difficulties in the future please inform me. The word should is also used in a professional context in place of the word would in other present or future forms of conditional sentences. Thus: I should also make clear that this offer is conditional upon early acceptance. LE Alexander Demidov); to the extent of (использовать с осторожностью, поскольку в юридических документах часто особо оговаривается, что это выражение не означает "если". В таких случаях необходимо использовать переводы "в части", "в той мере/степени, в которой" и т.п. Alexander Matytsin)
Makarov. in the event of (чего-либо)
math. with (чего-либо); in the case of (чего-либо); in the case a inequality 1 is proved in 2 (а); in case that; in case (of); in the case of (чего-либо)
mech. if; provided; if something happens; if it happens that; provided that; for the case; in the event of (+ существительное, герундий); in the event that (in the event that, treated as a compound conjunction, "is avoided by good writers"); on condition; on the condition that; providing that; providing
mil., avia. case of; in case of
mining. in the case of
progr. in the presence of (ssn)
psychol. in the event of something (чего-либо zdema); in the event of smith (чего-либо)
scient. for something (чего-либо igisheva)
в случаях
gen. in circumstances (AD Alexander Demidov)
law in instances; in the instances
в случае b
telecom. in case b (oleg.vigodsky)
of в случае
polit. in the event (чего-либо ssn)
в случае a
telecom. in case a (oleg.vigodsky)
в случае снятия
: 1 phrase in 1 subject