
   Russian English
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gen. immediate; near; proximate; next-door; close-in; neighbour
| и
gen. and
отдалнные | последствия для здоровья
 последствие для здоровья
health. health effect
- only individual words found

to phrases
ближайший adj.stresses
gen. immediate; near (о времени); proximate; next-door; close-in; neighbour; proximal; the nearest; neighbor; the earliest (at the earliest meeting of the directors -- на ближайшем заседании директоров ART Vancouver); upcoming (gennier); close in; next door; direct; occurring in the near future (о будущем событии); short; following (н-р, "на ближайший месяц" katorin); local (напр., local travel agent – ближайший турагент sankozh); the nearest one (All Drug Marts in Greenville have a postal outlet with the exception of Dundee, with the nearest one for many being either a bus or car ride away in Glendale. How convenient is that? ART Vancouver); anear; approximate; hither; nearest; ready; more exact
Gruzovik closest (superl of близкий)
account. coming (in the coming months – в ближайшие месяцы Andrew052)
anat. proximalis (Игорь_2006)
book. hithermost
invest. nearby
IT front end (ssn)
law prochain
Makarov. immediate (непосредственный); nearest (самый близкий); next (следующий)
math. nearest-neighbor; next
mil. initial
mining. adjacent
mus. conjoint
TV front-end
 Russian thesaurus
ближайший adj.
superl. прил. от близкий
ближайшие и
: 30 phrases in 14 subjects
Energy industry1
Health care1
Ice hockey1
Information technology1
Mass media4
Oil / petroleum1
Sakhalin S1
Security systems1
Wood processing2