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gen. big-picture; operative; far reaching; weighty; substantial
inf. big-ticket
IT sensitive
Makarov. all-in-all; consequent; formidable
| город
gen. town
| на берегу
 на берегу
gen. alongshore
| Испании
geogr. Spain
| основанный
gen. bottomed
| Гасдрубалом
prop.name Hasdrubal
| в
 в ...
mil. avia. to ...
243 | г
chem. g
| до Р.Х
 до Р.Х.
relig. B.C.
- only individual words found

to phrases
важный adj.stresses
gen. big-picture (Take care of money and big-picture financial issues as soon as possible next week. VLZ_58); operative (VLZ_58); far reaching; weighty; substantial; solemn; key-note; significative; outstanding; remarkable; key; great (Notburga); exciting; important; significant; haughty; of importance; essential; grave; consequential; considerable; big; momentous; bigwig; big shot; influential; of great moment; material; donnish; earnest; fateful; portentous (о человеке); purposeful; responsible; serious; relevant; big-league; high-up; Hogen Mogen; newsworthy (о событии); peacocky; vital; on the front burner; full-dress; prot-; proto-; integral (integral to – важный для – Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, Gazprom has worked to regain control of the web of pipelines that are integral to its business and Russia’s geopolitical positioning in Eastern Europe. NYT Alexander Demidov); of great significance (zeev); core (zeev); precious (Notburga); ambitious (tavost); big league; authoritative; cold; demure; high; majestic; majestical; lordly; important thing; chargeable; full dress; high up; of consequence; as proud as a peacock; notable (MichaelBurov); on one's high horse; of great importance; impressive; constitutive; on the map; ponderous; pregnant; solid; self-important; grand
Gruzovik pompous; pretentious
account. chief
amer., inf. some
bot. sage
busin. ranking; critical; distinguished; of significance; valuable
dipl. instrumental; dramatic; high-powered; major; newsworthy (о событий); overriding
el. of interest (ssn)
fig. poised; tight laced
fin. principal
Gruzovik, inf. fine
industr. needle-moving (thefreedictionary.com Lao_She)
inf. big-ticket (If you think letting your mind wander is a good use of your day, then you really are daydreaming. Snap out of it earlier rather than later. Spend your energy tackling big-ticket items. VLZ_58); bigwigged; hot red (Yeldar Azanbayev)
irish.lang. fat (о человеке ad_notam)
IT sensitive
Makarov. all-in-all; consequent; formidable; intrinsic; live; good
math. main; of considerable import (A.Rezvov)
med. basilic
media. challenging
mil., lingo hot (MichaelBurov)
modern big-time (Nuto4ka)
obs. materiate
progr. most important (ssn); useful (ssn)
relig. crucial
slang red hot red-hot; heavy; red hot; red-hot; big-time (Paul started singing on big-time television. == Паша начал петь по крутому телеканалу.)
uncom. puffy
важное adj.
gen. much (что-либо заслуживающее внимания); important things
нечто важное adj.
gen. big thing (т.е. имеющее значение)
важные adj.
comp., MS spotlight (A category of apps given special prominence in the Microsoft store via editorial programming)
самый важный adj.
gen. first-rate
"важный" adj.
ital., mus. serioso
Важный город
: 1 phrase in 1 subject