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gen. wealth; abundance; affluence; fortune; pregnancy; riches
| не
gen. not
возьмшь | с собой
 с собой
slang food.serv. walking
| в могилу
 в могиле
Makarov. pushing up daisies
- only individual words found

to phrases
богатство nstresses
gen. wealth; abundance; affluence; fortune; pregnancy (воображения и т. п.); riches; opulence; luxury; profusion; treasure; fertility (фантазии и т. п.); gold; mammon; purse; lsd (it is only a matter of lsd – вопрос только в деньгах); tin; worth; easy street (неверно, это означает не "богатство", а "более благоприятные условия", напр.: Listening to all the crybabys on here is pathetic, in the 1980s we had interest rates on mortgages that were around 20% coming down at the end of the decade to 12%, and no phoney mortgage fudgers, you had to have real cash down payment, at a real bank, it was far more hopeless back then, like easy street now in comparison!! (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver); fat purse; heavy purse; luxuriance (воображения); plentifulness; richness; the dollars; money (The latter question is now inseparable from the much more serious questions of how Abramovich earned his money...); exuberancy; prodigality; the fleshpots (of Egypt); plethora (msterlingprice); substance; Lp (Anglophile); grandeur; means; exuberance; long purse; deep pocket; fanciness (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П); amplitude; costliness; flushness; pelf; raciness (слога); thriftiness; natural resources
book. copiousness
econ. pocket
fig. fleshpot (Svetuly); wealth (with gen., of); profusion (of)
Gruzovik, fig. resplendence; gorgeousness
humor. moneybags; money-bags
idiom. silver spoon (доставшееся по наследству – см. статью "be born with a silver spoon in mouth")
inf. l.s.d.
law mean
Makarov. bags
obs. thrift; opulency; pelfray; wealthiness
product. offtish (Yeldar Azanbayev)
slang oof; fistful of money; wad
богатства n
gen. riches
coll. wealth
geol. resources
mining. resources (естественные)
Богатство не
: 23 phrases in 8 subjects
Quotes and aphorisms1