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verb | verb | to phrases


gen. out of keeping; be in tune with (someone); быть в хороших отношениях, с кем-либо); tune; cotton; agree; make it up; manage; click; rub along; hitch on together; gee (о людях); be in tune with (someone); быть в хороших отношениях, с кем-либо); make; gel; connect (she and I really connected – мы с ней сразу поладили SirReal); get on well (denghu); deal with (с людьми и т.п. Georgy Moiseenko); get on (with ... – c ... Alex_Odeychuk); be on good terms (with s.o. Anglophile); get on with (быть в хороших отношениях csbubbles); be in out of harmony with (someone); не ладить, с кем-либо); do with (с кем-либо); get on; get on (with); hit it off (с кем-либо-with); get along with (someone – с кем-либо Азери); build; be on good terms (with); get along (I wish the kids would get along better. She never did get along with her brother.)
amer. get along (друг с другом; Those two just don't get along. Val_Ships); play softball (Anglophile)
busin. get on (об отношениях)
dial. work well together; understand
Gruzovik, dial. come to an agreement; come to an understanding
Gruzovik, fig. work well together; fit together
Gruzovik, inf. get on with; make ready; prepare; restore; adjust; repeat; say over and over again; intend (он ладит купить новую машину – he intends to buy a new car); get along with
inf. gel (stonedhamlet); make ready; prepare; restore; click (с кем-либо); hit it off (with someone – с кем-либо); adjust
Makarov. get on with
Makarov., inf. cotton to; cotton with; rub along together; cotton together
slang play catch with; play ball; play ball with; rubalong; hit it off
with, together ладить v
inf. cotton
ладиться v
gen. go right (AlexandraM); get on well; proceed satisfactorily
dial. come to an agreement
Gruzovik, dial. settle; come to an agreement
Gruzovik, inf. go on well; intend; succeed
inf. succeed; go smoothly (Andrey Truhachev)
хорошо ладить v
gen. get along well
: 112 phrases in 14 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Cliche / convention1
Professional jargon1
Uncommon / rare2

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