gen. |
marry (sb., на ком-л.); hitch; husband; take to wife; espouse; get married (to); wed (на ком-либо); change one's condition; take to one's bosom; lead to the altar; make a match; give hand; settle down for life; settle down to married life; take a wife (a husband, вы́йти за́муж); take to bosom; head to the altar (MargeWebley); enter marriage (bigmaxus); get spliced; change condition (powerthesaurus.org); buckle; take; web (на); have wed (Alex_Odeychuk); buckle with a bride; get a wife; settle; wedlock; take smb. in marriage (на ком-л.); get married to (sb., на ком-л.) |
amer., idiom., black.sl. |
jump the broom (Баян) |
amer., slang |
hitch pass |
busin. |
make it up the aisle; tie the knot |
dial. |
alter one's condition (устар. Bobrovska) |
humor. |
doom |
idiom. |
take "for better for worse" (слова "for better for worse" взяты из церковной службы при совершении бракосочетания Bobrovska); take the plunge (to make a decision to do something, especially after thinking about it for a long time: to get married; to marry: 'm not ready to take the plunge yet. • Sam and Mary took the plunge. • We'd been living together for three years and we already had a son together, so we decided it was time to take the plunge! 'More) |
inf. |
be tied up; pair off; pair (nicknicky777); couple |
Makarov. |
take someone to one's bosom; take wife; get married to (someone); make a match (обыкн. по принуждению или расчёту) |
Makarov., humor. |
meet one's doom |
Makarov., inf. |
pair with; tie up |
Makarov., obs. |
have to wife; change condition |
Makarov., slang, amer. |
hitch up |
mil., lingo |
get grounded (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
obs. |
consort; match; spouse |
slang |
jump the hurdle; merge; middle-aisle it; put the clamps on; splice; step off the carpet; get grounded (MichaelBurov) |
stn.mas. |
join |
uncom. |
wive (igisheva); wife (igisheva) |
vulg. |
make the legal move; get hitched |
arch., book. |
wed (на ком-либо) |
gen. |
marry; settle; wedlock; wive; match; splice; espouse; marry off (a son); give in marriage (кого-либо); marry off (кого-либо); noose (кого-либо kee46); wed |
Gruzovik |
marry off/to |
Makarov. |
give in marriage; marry to |
Makarov., inf. |
tie up |
idiom. |
jump over the broomstick (VLZ_58) |
slang |
ship (персонажей (книги, фильма и т. п.), работающих в паре знаменитостей и т. д. plushkina) |
gen. |
marry (of a man) |
vulg. |
jump off the dock |