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verb | verb | to phrases
арестовывать vstresses
gen. arrest; attach; apprehend; detain; bust; take in charge; bone; arrest for (кого-либо за что-либо); nobble; arrest (кого-либо); seize (кого-либо); sequestrate; lag; pick up; nab; sequester; impound
Игорь Миг put out of commission; pop; haul off; frame
amer., slang flag (Charikova)
austral., slang knock off; lumber; pinch
busin. bring in; detain in custody
econ. confiscate
Gruzovik, law sequestrat; sequestrate (impf of арестовать)
inf. nip; pull in; shanghai (MichaelBurov)
jarg. drag
law lock up; take; put under arrest; bring in custody; take up; bring up
Makarov. haul up; lay embargo (о судне); seize (конфисковать); pull up
mil. place in arrest
mil., lingo brig (MichaelBurov); rope in (MichaelBurov)
notar. arrest (speaking of persons, especially in cases which are not criminal, or of ships, in admiralty cases); attach (speaking of property, especially in cases of mesne process); seize (speaking of property, especially in cases of execution of the judgment); apprehend (speaking of persons, in criminal cases)
police make the collar (VLZ_58)
slang bag (кого-либо); hook; put sleeve on (someone); put the snatch on someone or something; roust; run in; sidetrack; slough up; snatch; tag; give a tug (grafleonov); Yank; catch up (The police finally caught up with them. == Полиция в конце концов схватила их.); pick up ("Police picked this man up for burglary". == "Этого типа схватили на грабеже", - говорит Холдуин комиссару.)
up арестовывать v
polit. round (ssn)
арестовываться v
gen. arrest; sequestrate
арестовывающий prtc.
law putting under arrest
mil. placing in arrest
: 19 phrases in 9 subjects
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