gen. |
pop out (В.И.Макаров); leap out; whip; jump out; tumble up; overtake; spring out; dart out; gallop out; outstrip; ride out; win (in horse racing); pop; shoot out; pass; fling; start; come running (4uzhoj); fling (to fling out of the room – выскочить из комнаты); come racing out (The dog came racing out toward me, teeth bared. • The cop car immediately screeched to a halt, and a policeman came racing out toward me. • A police car came racing out of a side street, siren blaring. 4uzhoj); come rushing out (…and they came rushing out to see what was going on ART Vancouver); jump (At one point, a large gray fox jumped onto the road, saw me and scampered into the underbrush.); bolt out; fling out; jump away; jump from; jump out of; jump off (a moving streetcar, bus, etc.); pop out |
fig., inf. |
break in; come out (with); butt in |
idiom. |
escape (The words 'Irene, I adore you!' almost escaped him Taras) |
inf. |
come up; drop out; fall out; slip out; drop off (в знач. "сойти, выйти из машины" • Horace hummed to himself absently as they descended Munjoy Hill. "If you don't mind," he said, when they neared the corner of Smith Street, "I'll drop off here." – Я выскочу здесь. 4uzhoj); pop out (в знач. "ненадолго отлучиться" • I'll pop out for a moment. – Я выскочу на секунду. Зубцов); duck out (в знач. "ненадолго отлучиться" • I ducked out for a cigarette. 4uzhoj); of a sore, boil, etc. appear |
Makarov. |
bob up; drop out (выпасть); whip out; fall out (выпасть) |
textile |
emerge |
gen. |
come out in (напр., о прыщах) |