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gen. arrest; apprehend; bust; detain; nail; take in charge; copper; nobble; lay by the heels; lay one's hands on (кого-либо); clap by the heels (схватить, кого-либо); catch up; take in (арестовать и доставить в полицейский участок); lag; put the snatch on (кого-либо); nab; attach; clap a writ on one's back; sequester; impound; put smb. under arrest (кого́-л.); take somebody in (The coup attempt is very puzzling. For one thing, it seems to have been very poorly planned. For example, most TV channels were left operating and there does not seem to have been an attempt to take Erdogan in. andreon); pick sb. up; pick up
Игорь Миг put out of commission; pop; haul off
amer. bag (John got bagged for stealing last night.; slang Val_Ships)
austral., slang nick
brit. take someone down the nick (SvetlanaC); feel someone's collar (AnastasiRacoon)
econ. take
inf. nip; run in; grab; pick up (pick someone up Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf., slang yank
law place under arrest; put under arrest; attach (Law, archaic seize (a person or property) by legal authority. COED Alexander Demidov); sequestrate (об имуществе English_Fan); take (имущество); seize; take up
Makarov. commit to custody; commit to jail; commit to prison; make a pinch; take someone in charge (кого-либо); clap by the heels (кого-либо); have one's boots nailed; lay someone by the heels (кого-либо); make an arrest; place someone under arrest (кого-либо); put someone under arrest (кого-либо)
Makarov., amer. knock over
Makarov., jarg., Spain, amer. put the claw on (someone – кого-либо)
mil. place in arrest
notar. arrest (speaking of persons, especially in cases which are not criminal, or of ships, in admiralty cases); seize (speaking of property, especially in cases of execution of the judgment); apprehend (speaking of persons, in criminal cases); attach (speaking of property, especially in cases of mesne process)
police arrest (по подозрению в совершении преступления; ...the arrest of a criminal suspect. Val_Ships)
police.jarg. take a collar (I took the collar. I gave the caution, I clicked the handcuffs Maria Klavdieva)
slang brace; collar; haul in; knock it; knock it off; knockover; mit; peel; pull; pull in; put the cuff on (someone); pick someone up; pinch; clip; knock-over; lumber; do; knock; bag; flagged (кого-либо Interex); put the arm on (someone – кого-либо) They put the arm on Max for pushing pills. Они арестовали Макса за продажу наркотиков. Interex); nick (кого-либо Interex); bust (Cops in Brazil Bust Creepy Clown Who Terrorized Town -- Video: Cops in Brazil Bust Creepy Clown Who Terrorized Town --- In a rare case of a creepy clown being caught by the cops, authorities in Brazil arrested a group of young men who had been behind a series of unsettling harlequin sightings that had left a community on edge. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); collar (1. to arrest someone 2. an arrest; Someone who has been taken into custody, or arrested by the police • Bouncer at the Grand Slam. Sure, I remember it. About two years ago. – You make a collar? – Yeah, a kid named Tony Shaeffer. He's upstate doing 25-to-life. urbandictionary.comWe collared the maniac just when he thought he had escaped; You killed that woman, Johnny. You are a collar for murder! Dominator_Salvator)
slang, Makarov. rap
USA roll up (Yeldar Azanbayev)
smb. арестовать v
amer., Spain, jarg. put the claw on
арестоваться v
gen. arrest; sequestrate
: 104 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Drug-related slang1
Mass media3

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