gen. |
be a party (to something / в чём-либо); have a role (напр., dendritic cells might also have a role in the uptake of GDVs across the intestine... – также дендритные клетки могут принимать участие в переносе векторов генной доставки через стенку кишечника... Min$draV); participate (in something / в чём-либо); concern; concernment; interest one's self; be a partner of in; to take part (with в + prepl., in); take part in (smth., в чём-л.); drop in on; show interest (in); feature (в каком-либо проекте); mix (в чём-либо); have a hand (have a hand in : to be involved in (something). She had a hand in designing the new highway. Did he have a hand in this decision? MWALD Alexander Demidov); pitch in (jouris-t); bid (в торгах); join (в чём-либо); shoot (в какой-либо игре); assist; partake (чем-либо); stand in; share; act (в каком-либо деле); bear a part; attend (In October, Sukhumi was proud to host the domino world championship (yes, it exists). Abkhazia didn't win – the Dominican Republic had that honour – but it achieved its goal of gaining some international attention. More than 200 players from two dozen countries attended, including a team from the US. TG Alexander Demidov); get in on act; take share (чем-либо); bear share (чем-либо); get involved (in an activity: Since urban forestry is located where people live, work, and play, it’s really important that they get involved and engaged in the trees around them. (insidevancouver.ca) ART Vancouver); take a hand (in Andy); be in on; have part (в чём-либо); have a role in (4uzhoj); be a party; take part (in something / в чём-либо); be involved with (ART Vancouver); have been engaged (in ... – в ... cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk) |
Gruzovik |
show interest in |
adv. |
take share; bear a share |
brit. |
go in for (в конкурсе, состязании: Well if you recall he was going in for a competition at Donnington for the loudest sound system. В.И.Макаров) |
busin. |
participate; become a party to |
dipl. |
interpose (в чём-либо) |
explan. |
chip in (в разговоре, складчине и т. п.) |
idiom. |
come into the picture (VLZ_58) |
inf. |
opt in (VLZ_58) |
Makarov. |
act for (в каком-либо деле и т. п.); get into someone's act; go into; join in (в чём-либо); mix up (в чём-либо); opt in (в чём-либо); partake in (в чём-либо); partake of (в чём-либо); assist in; enter; get in |
Makarov., inf. |
get into on the act |
polit. |
be part of (In 2020, Brigadier General Haim Eshed, Israel's former Chief of Space Security, said that ET races have been in contact at a covert government level for decades and are part of a Galactic Federation. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver) |
proverb |
display concern for (someone); extend sympathy to (someone) |
slang |
duke; hit |
uncom. |
concern (в Супру) |
amer. |
in the mix (активно Taras) |
book. |
partake |