gen. |
protectiveness (Shottik); proponence (SergMesch); guardianship (Bullfinch); cover; maintenance; security; defense (на суде); bulwark; pleading; safeguard; apology; buckler; championship (кого-либо или чего-либо); lee; rampart; shadow; tierce; vindication; bield; partisanship (чего-либо); propugnaculum; asylum; panoply; aegis (under the aegis of – под защитой, под покровительством кого-либо, чего-либо); advocacy; the defense (Raz_Sv); shield (типа щита, кожуха В.И.Макаров); the case for the defence; Palladium; haven (Notburga); favor; auspices (bigmaxus); under the auspices of (bigmaxus); blanket of protection (Vic_Ber) |
amer., Makarov. |
armor |
anim.husb. |
lew |
astronaut. |
fence; masking; shelter |
automat. |
protective (a thing that protects someone or something (Oxford Dictionary of English, 3rd Edition © Oxford University Press 2010) ssn); guarding; safety protection; barrier; masking (деталей, не подлежащих обработке) |
avia. |
impedance; proofing (от воздействия внешних факторов); barrier; defense (от нападения); enclosure; hardening (напр., от воздействия ядерного взрыва) |
biol. |
repelling (adlerall) |
biotechn. |
containment; shield |
book. |
propugnation |
brit. |
armour; defence (от нападения) |
busin. |
defence counsel; screen |
chem. |
sheltering; blocking (группы) |
chess.term. |
Defense (в названиях дебютов) |
comp. |
protect |
comp., MS |
protection (The process of protecting data from loss or corruption by centrally creating and maintaining replicas and shadow copies of the data. DPM is designed to provide short-term disk-based backup, to support rapid and reliable recovery of data) |
comp., net. |
safety |
cycl. |
guard |
dipl. |
case for the defence (в суде) |
dril. |
precaution |
ecol. |
confinement; safeguards; safing |
ed. |
thesis defence (диссертации denghu); presentation (диплома, диссертации q3mi4); dissertation defence (диссертации denghu); viva (short for "thesis defence at a viva voce" ("viva voce" Latin for "by live voice") e.g.: Take the preparation for your viva seriously and devote a substantial amount of time to it. Taras); PhD Viva Voce (Taras); PhD Viva (Taras) |
electr.eng. |
fuse (Alexander Demidov) |
energ.ind. |
defense (концепция обеспечения безопасности ядерного реактора с применением нескольких защитных мер с целью предотвращения выброса радиоактивных веществ в окружающую среду); safeguard (напр., от несанкционированного доступа); safeguard (напр., от несанкционированного доступа) |
fire. |
defence; protective system |
forestr. |
conservation (окружающей среды) |
Gruzovik, coll. |
the defense (law and sport) |
IT |
prot |
law |
advocateship; assertion (прав); behalf; advocacy (клиента); defence (в суде – Moreover, if no defence is entered, the claimant is entitled to ask for judgment in the amount claimed (though the defendant can apply to have the judgment set aside). CME Alexander Demidov) |
law, court |
defendant |
Makarov. |
defense = defence; mask; mitigation; parry (фехтование); proof; proofing (от воздействия влаги и т.п.); shielding, screening (от излучения); wall; ward |
Makarov., law |
the defence (на процессе) |
med. |
screening; shielding; defense (психоневрологическая) |
meteorol. |
impedance |
mil. |
hardening; defense (Киселев voen152); protection (Киселев voen121 voen152 voen154) |
nano |
baffling |
nautic. |
defense (от нападения или воздействия оружия) |
notar. |
defense (criminal procedure); protection (human rights, civil rights, copyright, etc.) |
O&G |
blocking; defences (MichaelBurov) |
O&G, oilfield. |
prevention |
oil |
protecting; safeguarding; protector; prot (сокр. от protection) |
patents. |
coverage (патентом); support |
polym. |
blocking (групп в молекуле) |
psychiat. |
defense mechanism (Alex_Odeychuk) |
psychol. |
apologetics |
qual.cont. |
preserving (от коррозии) |
railw. |
conservation; protective gear |
relig. |
egis; championing |
slang |
shade; itection (= protection; растафари-сленг yoxana) |
sport. |
championship (кого-либо, чего-либо) |
tech. |
saver; shutdown (электрическая); proofing; guard group |
telecom. |
defending (oleg.vigodsky); securing (oleg.vigodsky) |
hist. |
Palladium |
comp., MS |
Protection (A tab within the Exchange Administration Center (EAC) that contains anti-virus/anti spam, and data loss protection) |
fire. |
protection |
gen. |
insuring (в некоторых контекстах, когда речь не идет о страховании как о лицензируемом виде деятельности sankozh); standing up for (чего-либо A.Rezvov); advocation; assertion (дела, права); covert; coverture; defenseless; defenselessness; guardianship; guardship; justification (в суде); keep; muniment; paranymph; plea (в суде); tuition |
amer. |
cyclone cellar (The Senate is their cyclon cellar. – Сенат является для них защитой. (H. Hornwill "A Dictionary of Modern American Usage") Bobrovska) |
astronaut. |
insulation |
avia. |
stop-off |
bible.term. |
rock |
data.prot. |
lock out |
el. |
conservancy; covering; security (напр. от несанкционированного вторжения) |
fenc. |
parry |
fig. |
buttress |
footb. |
back four |
hockey. |
D (defense VLZ_58) |
law |
maintenance (клиента • Just you remember one thing: It's all about (на первом месте всегда) client maintenance (защита клиента Taras); assistance of counsel (inadequate assistance of counsel MichaelBurov); avowry |
med. |
screen (от ионизирующего излучения) |
media. |
lock; secure |
mil., obs. |
safe-guard |
nucl.phys., OHS |
radiation engineered shield; radiation shielding; protective barrier (device); radiation shielding (process, property) |
obs. |
beeld; defensative; enguard; patrocination; patrociny; rampier; rampire; wardenship |
phys. |
protection system |
polit. |
позиции defensive position |
radiat. |
protective shielding (of an X-ray tube) |
sport. |
defense (действия в обороне) |
sport. |
defense |