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gen. cozen; dupe; play the fool with one (кого-л.); mystify; put upon; make a fool of; put sb. on (кого-л.); fool (кого-л.); hoax; bosh; gull; cod; goof; hocus-pocus; have a game with (кого-либо); play the fool with; pull the nose; pull someone's leg (кого-либо Anglophile); fake; cog; kid (кого-либо); hoodwink; play off (кого-либо); lead somebody by the nose (Sergei Aprelikov); put on (кого-л. Abysslooker); gaslight (She had no memory of the incident and thought he was trying to gaslight her. Shabe)
Игорь Миг yank around; lead down the garden path
contempt. hoodwink (So with American advisors dictating how to destroy our Canadian landscape of mountains and rivers and salmon in the name of profit under the guise of affordable housing we have failed again to protect our country from the unscrupulous pursuit of profit that doesn't actually end up going to us in Canada. What a masterpiece of how to hoodwink the public. (vancouversun.com) -- Шедеврально, как они дурачат народ. ART Vancouver)
dipl. fake тж. fake up
Gruzovik, comp.sl. troll (impf of одурачить; attempt to disrupt a community or garner attention and controversy through provocative messages)
Gruzovik, inf. dupe (impf of одурачить); make a fool of (impf of одурачить)
humor. assify
idiom. pull someone's leg (кого-либо В.И.Макаров); pull a fast one (It is the pub manager's belief that the source of the spilled drinks just might be the ghost of young lad as "it would make sense that a 17-year-old boy might find it quite funny to wind people up and have a bit of fun." What do you think of the weird video? Was Edward pulling a fast one on the patrons at the bar or was the spill merely a natural occurrence? coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
inf. take the mickey out of (Andrey Truhachev); string along (с целью выиграть время Andrey Truhachev); take the mickey (out of someone Andrey Truhachev); have somebody on (убеждать в чем-то, что на самом деле не соответствует действительности, обычно шутки ради • I was having you on. We used to dream up nonsense to tell you, to see how much you would believe. LisLoki); shuck (Olya34)
jarg. fake out (VLZ_58); do up brown; play possum (VLZ_58)
law fob; fub
Makarov. do in the eye; goof off; goof on; have a game with (someone – кого-либо); kid around (кого-либо); make a fool of (someone – кого-либо); make a fool out of (someone – кого-либо); play the fool with (someone – кого-либо)
Makarov., amer. play someone for a fool (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf., amer. fake out
obs. haze (сумасбродными выходками, требованиями); bubble; sell someone a bargain (кого-либо Bobrovska); put an ape in someone's hood (кого-либо; Придворные шуты часто носили обезьяну на плече. Bobrovska)
slang josh; jerk someone around (El Canto); do up brown (кого-либо)
vulg. fuck over with (someone); take the mickey out of (someone); см. Mickey Bliss; кого-либо); take the piss out of (someone – кого-либо)
on дурачить v
slang goof
дурачиться v
gen. fool around (Stop fooling around – this is serious! cambridge.org, cambridge.orgDon't fool around with matches.); play tricks; fool; monkey; caper; clown; tomfool; freak; fun; play silly buggers; caperer; dally; toy; jive; kid around; goof (Sahara); play; make an ass of oneself; cut capers; fool about; cut didoes; cut up didoes (Anglophile); play the buffoon (Andrey Truhachev); carry on; foozle; rot; play the giddy goat; play the baby; do silly stuff (Tanya Gesse); horse around (Tanya Gesse); fadoodling (эвфемизм слова секс • Fadoodling can often lead to pregnancy vogeler); simp over (AlSeNo); play a practical joke (Taras); lark; play apish; usually in the Continuous be fooling
brit., idiom. act the giddy goat (act the (giddy) goat: to fool around; to behave in a silly way • Betty had a little yellow umbrella up. I acted the goat a bit, turning and waving umpteen times till she was laughing.); act the goat (act the (giddy) goat: to fool around; to behave in a silly way • Betty had a little yellow umbrella up. I acted the goat a bit, turning and waving umpteen times till she was laughing.)
Gruzovik, inf. play the fool
idiom. extract the urine (Interex); act the ape (VLZ_58); do monkey business (Stop doing monkey business and start your homework! Taras)
inf. play silly bleeders (Anglophile); clown around (Andrey Truhachev); do something stupid (Andrey Truhachev); diddle; lark about (Andrey Truhachev); lark around (Andrey Truhachev); make faces (MichaelBurov); pull faces (MichaelBurov); yuk it up (VLZ_58); mess around (Юрий Гомон); mess about (Andrey Truhachev); yank around (HarlemHomeboy); fanny around (mviformat); play around (VLZ_58); play the goat
inf., amer. goof around (The kids were all goofing around, waiting for the bus.OK, you two, stop goofing around! Val_Ships)
lit. lolly (Энтони Шумов)
Makarov. cut a caper; blow bubbles; dally with; monkey about; muck around; play a practical joke; play a trick; play with; toy with (с чем-либо)
Makarov., inf. horse about; horse around; play the fool
obs. silly
slang cut up; monkey around (Helene2008); scam (You'd get better grades if you didn't scam so much. У тебя были бы лучше отметки если бы ты не дурачился так много. Interex); do (suburbian)
uncom. droll
vulg. muck about; fuck about (He was just fucking about. – Он всего-навсего дурачился. 4uzhoj)
vulg., mean.3 fuck around
дурачась v
gen. zanily; tongue in cheek; with tongue in cheek
дурачащий prtc.
trav. fooling
дурачится v
gen. fool with
дурачащийся prtc.
trav. fooling
дурачивший prtc.
trav. fooled
: 34 phrases in 6 subjects

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