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live; inhabit (a place); indwell; populate; remain; shack; affect (о животных и растениях); be found (z484z); reside (According to Russian belief, a house spirit is thought to reside over the threshold of each home. Therefore, it is considered bad luck to shake hands or kiss a guest across a doorway.); dwell (Vadim Rouminsky); haunt (где-либо – о призраке или привидении • A couple of ghosts haunt the old, burnt-down house. • Foul spirits haunt my resting place.); be found (in plushkina); lodge; tabernacle; dwell (with в + prepl., in) | |||
dwell in | |||
stall | |||
occupy | |||
hang out | |||
abide; dwell at; dwell in; dwell on; live in; shack up | |||
occupy; mansion; won | |||
lurk (There is arguably no cryptozoological creature as widely known as the Loch Ness Monster – a mystery animal described as a long-necked prehistoric reptile that is said to lurk in the depths of Scotland's famous loch. -- как утверждается, обитает | |||
abode | |||
haunt (That yonder in that faithfull wilderneſſe / Huge monſters haunt,and many dangers dwell) | |||
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indwell |
обитать : 23 phrases in 8 subjects |
Bible | 1 |
Figurative | 1 |
General | 6 |
Linguistics | 1 |
Literally | 1 |
Makarov | 11 |
Obsolete / dated | 1 |
Religion | 1 |