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gen. hunt after; shag (за мячом); hunt (за чем-либо тж. hunt down); blow (snow, leaves, etc); distil; drive away; drive fast; drive hard; drive on; hurry; kick out; race (an engine); ride hard; strive (for, after); throw out; torment; turn out; urge on; chase (при игре); course (друг за другом); be after; go after (AlexandraM); scamper (george serebryakov); drive; pursue
contempt. whore
dial. raft (timber)
fig. haunt; keep up with; persecute
Gruzovik, inf. run after (impf indet of гнаться); court (impf indet of гнаться)
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. pursue (impf indet of гнаться)
inf. go over and over; give; grill (on); hand over; make run errands; make run over; send; tear along
Makarov. chase; chase down (за кем-либо); chase up (за кем-либо); hunt down (за чем-либо)
sport. shag (за мячом и т.п.)
yacht. race
after гоняться v
rude, contempt. whore
гонять v
гнать; перегонять
gen. drive (cattle); chase (an animal); drive out; career about (по городу); ping pong; blow (snow, leaves, etc); drive fast; drive hard; drive on; hunt; hurry; race (an engine); ride hard; turn out; urge on; bay (зайца); knock (мяч); speed around (aleko.2006); chase away (остальных • Bully hummingbirds usually stake out a spot that allows a good vantage point of their territory so they can easily defend it. Try removing the perch or pruning the branch that they typically use. This will help to prevent them from chasing away other hummingbirds that try to feed. (woodstreambrands.ca) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik drive (impf indet of гнать); drive away (impf indet of гнать); kick out; pursue; run after; throw out
dial. raft (timber)
forestr. chase; distil
Gruzovik, auto. race an engine
Gruzovik, fig. persecute; torment; be after
Gruzovik, inf. go over and over something learned, etc; grill on something learned, etc; make run errands; make run over something learned, etc; send; send on errands
inf. drive (a car. truck, etc.); distill; ping-pong; give; hand over; race; tear along; run something up (в знач. "перевозить контрабандой" • He's got a boat and he's doing OK. He runs stuff up across the border.He tells me that this is the bar where Bill usually hangs out but he'll be away for a coupla days seeing as he is doing a run across the border in his boat. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. fly (голубей); career about (по городу и т. п.); knock about (мяч); knock around (мяч)
tech. run up (двигатель); rev up (двигатель)
 Russian thesaurus
гонять v
gen. гнать 1
: 128 phrases in 23 subjects
Animal husbandry1
Humorous / Jocular1
Ice hockey1
Information technology1
Non-destructive testing2
Obsolete / dated1
Oil and gas1
Poultry farming1
Timber floating2

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