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gen. governor; vicegerent; borsholder; ethnarch (в Древней Греции); alderman; vice; vicarious ruler; steward (Ptolemy); viceregent (naslukina); proxy ruler (zoologist); president; subdelegate; substitute; surrogate; vicar
Игорь Миг proconsul
cleric. superior
Gruzovik, hist. governor general
hist. lieutenant general; sub-king (Скоробогатов); viceroy; posadnik (governor of medieval Russian city or oblast who was appointed by a prince or elected by citizens); viceregent (Viceregent is a term that is typically used in a political context, while vicegerent is more commonly used in a religious context. thecontentauthority.com MichaelBurov); vicegerent (Viceregent refers to someone who is appointed to govern in the place of a monarch or ruler. Vicegerent, on the other hand, refers to someone who is appointed to act as a representative of a higher power, such as a deity or a spiritual leader. thecontentauthority.com MichaelBurov); vice-gerent (Viceregent is a term that is typically used in a political context, while vicegerent is more commonly used in a religious context. thecontentauthority.com MichaelBurov); vice-regent (Viceregent refers to someone who is appointed to govern in the place of a monarch or ruler. Vicegerent, on the other hand, refers to someone who is appointed to act as a representative of a higher power, such as a deity or a spiritual leader. thecontentauthority.com MichaelBurov); vice-regent (MichaelBurov)
inf., abbr. vise
law vice-regent
notar. deputy
obs. provincial governor
rel., christ. locum tenens; vice-rector (монастыря denghu)
relig. satrap
Vicar наместник n
cleric. vicar
 Russian thesaurus
наместник n
gen. 1) должностное лицо на Руси в 12-16 вв., возглавлявшее местное управление.

2) В 18 - нач. 20 вв. глава наместничества в Российской империи. Большой Энциклопедический словарь

: 33 phrases in 9 subjects
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