образный : 3990 phrases in 186 subjects |
Acoustics | 7 |
Advertising | 9 |
Aerodynamics | 1 |
Aerohydrodynamics | 24 |
Agriculture | 28 |
Alpine skiing | 1 |
Aluminium industry | 4 |
Anatomy | 2 |
Animal husbandry | 3 |
Antennas and waveguides | 82 |
Architecture | 7 |
Armored vehicles | 34 |
Artillery | 3 |
Astronautics | 56 |
Automated equipment | 175 |
Automobiles | 95 |
Aviation | 99 |
Aviation medicine | 5 |
Banking | 11 |
Biology | 2 |
Botany | 1 |
Bridge construction | 13 |
Building materials | 3 |
Building structures | 4 |
Cables and cable production | 12 |
Cartography | 3 |
Caspian | 3 |
Cement | 3 |
Chemistry | 1 |
Chromatography | 1 |
Clinical trial | 1 |
Clothing | 4 |
Combustion gas turbines | 1 |
Communications | 6 |
Computer networks | 1 |
Construction | 285 |
Cooking | 4 |
Cultural studies | 1 |
Cycling other than sport | 6 |
Dentistry | 11 |
Diplomacy | 1 |
Drilling | 29 |
Ecology | 1 |
Economics | 4 |
Education | 1 |
Electrical engineering | 86 |
Electricity | 3 |
Electrochemistry | 5 |
Electronics | 304 |
Elevators | 1 |
Energy industry | 19 |
Energy system | 4 |
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 1 |
Figurative | 1 |
Finances | 1 |
Firefighting and fire-control systems | 13 |
Fishery fishing industry | 2 |
Food industry | 2 |
Forestry | 29 |
General | 167 |
Genetics | 1 |
Geography | 5 |
Geology | 9 |
Geophysics | 7 |
Gyroscopes | 1 |
Hi-Fi | 2 |
High energy physics | 10 |
Historical | 2 |
Household appliances | 5 |
Hydraulic engineering | 4 |
Ice hockey | 1 |
Idiomatic | 2 |
Immunology | 2 |
Informal | 1 |
Information technology | 18 |
International Monetary Fund | 4 |
Investment | 3 |
Isolation | 2 |
Laboratory equipment | 1 |
Leather | 6 |
Linguistics | 10 |
Logistics | 1 |
Machine components | 4 |
Machinery and mechanisms | 1 |
Magnetics | 3 |
Makarov | 297 |
Mass media | 55 |
Materials science | 6 |
Mathematics | 17 |
Measuring instruments | 1 |
Meat processing | 1 |
Mechanic engineering | 115 |
Mechanics | 29 |
Medical | 76 |
Medical appliances | 20 |
Metal science | 3 |
Metallurgy | 104 |
Meteorology | 1 |
Metrology | 9 |
Microelectronics | 30 |
Microsoft | 1 |
Military | 37 |
Mining | 22 |
Molikpaq | 9 |
Mountaineering | 1 |
Music | 2 |
Nanotechnology | 12 |
Nautical | 147 |
Navigation | 8 |
Neural networks | 1 |
Neurology | 1 |
Nuclear physics | 1 |
Occupational health & safety | 3 |
Oceanography & oceanology | 1 |
Office equipment | 1 |
Oil / petroleum | 52 |
Oil and gas | 36 |
Oil and gas technology | 3 |
Oilfields | 5 |
Orthopedics | 1 |
Paint, varnish and lacquer | 1 |
Pediatrics | 1 |
Petrography | 1 |
Pharmacology | 2 |
Pharmacy and pharmacology | 2 |
Physics | 10 |
Pipelines | 25 |
Plastics | 6 |
Polygraphy | 6 |
Polymers | 9 |
Press equipment | 1 |
Printed circuit boards | 1 |
Production | 5 |
Programming | 7 |
Psychiatry | 1 |
Psycholinguistics | 1 |
Psychology | 9 |
Psychotherapy | 3 |
Pulp and paper industry | 1 |
Pumps | 1 |
Quality control and standards | 8 |
Quantum electronics | 2 |
Radioengineering | 12 |
Radiology | 1 |
Rail transport | 23 |
Refrigeration | 16 |
Religion | 6 |
Road traffic | 2 |
Road works | 15 |
Robotics | 3 |
Roll stock | 14 |
Sakhalin | 19 |
Sakhalin A | 1 |
Security systems | 1 |
Seismology | 7 |
Sewing and clothing industry | 2 |
Shipbuilding | 16 |
Silicate industry | 2 |
Skydiving | 1 |
Somatics | 2 |
Sports | 4 |
Stock Exchange | 1 |
Submarines | 2 |
Surgery | 7 |
Taxes | 1 |
Technology | 477 |
Telecommunications | 40 |
Tengiz | 6 |
Textile industry | 14 |
Thermal engineering | 21 |
Tobacco industry | 1 |
Tools | 4 |
Torpedoes | 4 |
Trademark | 1 |
Transport | 183 |
Traumatology | 1 |
United States | 1 |
Veterinary medicine | 3 |
Vulgar | 1 |
Water resources | 2 |
Weapons and gunsmithing | 3 |
Weapons of mass destruction | 1 |
Welding | 32 |
Winemaking | 2 |
Wood processing | 29 |
Yachting | 4 |