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DB (В преобразовательной технике grifffin) | |||
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regenerative braking; resistance braking | |||
dynamic brake (Secretary); DC brake (e.g. The DC brake time when you select a sudden brake (all regions) will be twice the time of the positioning brake. inplus); flux braking (empusa23) | |||
dynamic braking (напр. двигателем); dynamic slowdown | |||
dynamic braking |
Динамическое торможение : 35 phrases in 11 subjects |
Automated equipment | 1 |
Automobiles | 2 |
Aviation | 2 |
Construction | 1 |
Drives | 9 |
Electrical engineering | 3 |
Electronics | 3 |
Military | 1 |
Polygraphy | 1 |
Technology | 9 |
Transport | 3 |