gen. |
unit; partition; subdivision; element; outfit (MichaelBurov); branch (полиции nicknicky777); subsidiary (alvish); sub-school (anglorus); arm (организации: BP announced its intention to offload its Russian arm in May. • The German arm accounted for about 40% of materials handling. • The highly guarded, restricted compound in a wooded area southwest of Moscow is the headquarters of the K.G.B.'s First Chief Directorate, its intelligence and espionage arm. Alexander Demidov) |
Gruzovik |
subsection |
Игорь Миг |
entity |
account. |
segment |
astronaut. |
force; subtiering; pack; package |
bank. |
area (банка TASH4ever) |
brit. |
business unit (фирмы) |
busin. |
breakdown; business division (Alexander Matytsin); silo (Previous practices viewed risks as threats and focused on avoidance of negative events, treated risk as a separate function, and continuously managed risk independently within silos. mitasova); establishment unit (Moonranger); operation (компании irina knizhnik) |
cables |
division (часть учреждения) |
cinema |
pool (Photo pool) |
comp., MS |
apartment (A group of one or more COM objects in a process. A COM object lives in exactly one apartment, in the sense that its methods can legally be directly called only by a thread that belongs to that apartment. Any other thread that wants to call the object must go through a proxy); organizational unit (A type of entry that is used specifically for storing information on a section of an organization. It can represent a department or a group of people, for example, ou = Accounting Dept) |
econ. |
business unit; subbranch (Andrey Truhachev); organizational unit; breakdown (разбивка) |
energ.ind. |
unit (предприятия) |
forens. |
unit (правоохранительного органа Alex Lilo) |
Gruzovik, mil. |
U (unit); small unit; small element |
inf., amer. |
crush |
law, ADR |
break out (градация ставок; подразделение на категории TVovk) |
libr. |
break down; division (в классификации) |
manag. |
aliquot (Dashout) |
market. |
market (компании на определенном рынке vlad-and-slav) |
math. |
subdividing; sd (subdivision); subd (subdivision); decomposition; classification (напр., символов на постоянные и переменные ssn) |
math., alg. |
refinement |
med. |
section |
media. |
capacity (в организации) |
meteorol. |
device; wing |
mil. |
subunit; small unit; detachment; minor unit; squad (Andrey Truhachev); activity (Киселев) |
mining. |
group (компании; напр., по разработке новых технологий soa.iya) |
O&G, sakh. |
function (компании) |
patents. |
department |
publ.util. |
unit of personnel |
railw. |
division (предприятия) |
robot. |
function (функциональное) |
tech. |
division |
weap. |
organization (ABelonogov) |
gen. |
departmentalized |
avia. |
force |
econ. |
sub-entities (IoSt); locations (крупного предприятия: ICT-based technologies and adoption of new management practices have finally made it possible for firms outside of manufacturing to scale production over a large number of locations. A.Rezvov) |
HR |
locations (входят в division; предприятия Метран) |
med. |
elements |
mil. |
forces (Andrey Truhachev) |
tech. |
divisional |
busin. |
operating unit (operating units within a business unit Alexander Matytsin) |
el. |
Desktop Management Task Force |
mil. |
small unit |
avia. |
wing |
busin. |
business unit (Alexander Matytsin) |
mil., lingo |
the Unit (Неформальное наименование 1-го оперативного отряда спецназа США "Дельта" среди его сотрудников) |
gen. |
business (крупной компании sheetikoff) |
mil., obs. |
subordinate unit |
Russian thesaurus |
gen. |
1) часть, раздел чего-нибудь, входящий в состав более крупной части. 2) Воинское формирование, имеющее постоянную организацию и входящее в более крупное подразделение или воинскую часть. Подразделениями являются: расчёт, экипаж, отделение, взвод, рота батарея, звено, батальон дивизион, эскадрилья, кроме отдельного. Большой Энциклопедический словарь |
inf. |
структура (Andrey Truhachev); организация (Andrey Truhachev); учреждение (Andrey Truhachev); ведомство (Andrey Truhachev) |
mil. |
удуьутещ (ev.gumya) |