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gen. analysis (Alexander Demidov); analysis section (Alexander Demidov)
law reasoning (судебного решения Incognita); rationale (The rationale of the ruling is that the card sales contribute importantly to the achievement of the museum's exempt educational purposes by ... In addition to defending the underlying rationale of the ruling, he also addressed the Tillman Act – the federal law barring corporate campaign contributions, ... In that case, the rationale of the ruling could cause the fees to be treated as Section 212 expenses. – АД); analytical part (of judgment Alexander Demidov); reasons for judgment (решения суда; приблизительный аналог. Может быть оформлено в виде отдельного документа Евгений Тамарченко); whereases; whereas; rationale (The rationale of the ruling is that the card sales contribute importantly to the achievement of the museum's exempt educational purposes by ... In addition to defending the underlying rationale of the ruling, he also addressed the Tillman Act – the federal law barring corporate campaign contributions, ... In that case, the rationale of the ruling could cause the fees to be treated as Section 212 expenses. Alexander Demidov)
law, court reasoning part (pravo.by SergeiAstrashevsky)
? мотивировочная часть
gen. statement of reasons (Lavrov)
мотивировочная часть
: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
Court law2

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