English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Air Training Manual; anti-tank mine; Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Co. (Co.); alternative testing method |
abbr., avia. |
air transport movement |
abbr., busin. |
at the moment |
abbr., commer. |
Act of Trade Marks |
abbr., earth.sc. |
advanced thematic mapper; aluminium trimethyl; atmospheric transport model |
abbr., IT |
alternating Turing machine |
abbr., oil |
aluminum trimethyl; telemetry module; trimmed mean filter |
abbr., space |
address; ALSP time manager ALSP; Apollo telescope mount; asynchronous transmission mode |
abbr., UN |
atmospheric transport modelling software |
gen. |
ATM spec1 |
gen. |
atmospheric; atmosphere |
abbr. |
Any Time Money; Abstract Test Method (ISO 9646-1); Aerial Tuning Motor (Vosoni); Another Twenty Missing; Automated Transactional Management; air turbine motor; advanced technology mining |
abbr., astr. |
Amateur Telescope Makers' association (Vosoni) |
abbr., astronaut. |
Amateur Telescope Maker |
abbr., auto. |
actuator test mode; actuation test mode; adaptive transmission management; automatic transmission; automatic transmission module; circuit actuation actuator test mode; asymmetrical transfer module |
abbr., avia. |
Aircraft Transportability Manual (Interex); airspace and traffic management; available ton-mile (Interex); aircrew training manual; airworthiness tag management; automatic takeout machine; automatic thrust management; automatic trim monitor |
abbr., bank. |
automatic teller machine; A special-purpose terminal that bank customers can use to make deposits, obtain cash, and perform other transactions |
abbr., bus.styl. |
Automated Teller Machine (Automated Telling Machine) |
abbr., cables |
alternative test method |
abbr., commun. |
asynchronous time division multiplex (ATD, ATM); assigned cell |
abbr., comp., net. |
Application-Transaction Manager Interface; I Application-to-Transaction Manager Interface; automatic teller machine |
abbr., comp.name. |
anionic trash materials (Anna Zagorulko) |
abbr., econ. |
at-the-money (kotechek); automated telling machine |
abbr., el. |
address transformation memory; A/D trigger mode; Advanced Technology Materials, Inc.; advanced traffic manager; analog trunk module; anti-tactical missile; anti-tank missile; artificial thought model; asynchronous transmission module; asynchronous trunk module; authentic transmit mode |
abbr., file.ext. |
Adobe Type Manager related file |
abbr., fin. |
guichet automatique |
abbr., foreig.aff. |
аsynchronous transfer mode |
abbr., gyrosc. |
attitude transformation matrix |
abbr., inet. |
Across The Miles |
abbr., IT |
Automatic Bank Teller Machine |
abbr., med. |
Asynchronous Transfer Mode; Ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated (protein); Average Time Of Maintenance; ataxia telangiectasia, mutated (prozac) |
abbr., media. |
All Types Of Music |
abbr., mil. |
air traffic management; advanced trauma management; air target material; assign traffic metering; Army Training Memorandum; antitorpedo mine atm |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
asynchronous transmission model |
abbr., physiol. |
Army Ten-Miler |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Awareness Through Movement |
abbr., post |
Automatenmarken (European coin fed machines which print stamps on demand) |
abbr., progr. |
Automatic Teller Machines (ssn) |
abbr., scottish |
Abri Technique Mobile (ISO Shelter (France)); Advanced Tactical Mini-drone (USA); Advanced Trauma Management; Airborne Thematic Mapper |
abbr., sec.sys. |
automatic transaction machine |
abbr., shipb. |
aerial-turning motor |
abbr., stat. |
asynchronous transfer mode |
abbr., tech. |
aircraft turbine motor |
abbr., telecom. |
asynchronous transfer mode (Alex Lilo) |
abbr., tradem. |
Amateur Telescope Makers; Australian Tube Mills Pty Ltd. (Австралия) |
Gruzovik, abbr., IT |
Adobe Type Manager |
lit. |
Advanced Toastmaster |
mil. |
air task message |
mil., abbr. |
air training memorandum; air-launched training missile; antitactical missile; antitank mine; antitank missile; antitorpedo mine |
mil., avia., Canada |
air traffic management |
tech., abbr. |
atmosphere, standard; automatic dictation machine; automatic teaching machine; auxiliary tape memory |
tech., mil., avia. |
aerial turning motor |
abbr. |
atmospheric pressure |
abbr., earth.sc. |
standard atmosphere |
abbr., el. |
atmosphere |
abbr., meas.inst. |
normal atmosphere |
abbr., med. |
standard atmosphere |
abbr., scient. |
atmospherical |
abbr., space |
atmospheres pressure |
tech. |
atm |
abbr. |
atmospheric pressure |
abbr., earth.sc. |
atmosphere |
abbr., radio |
atmospherics |
abbr., avia. |
atmosphere pressure |