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real time (The actual time in which events occur); real-time (Of or relating to a time frame imposed by external constraints. Real-time operations are those in which the computer's activities match the human perception of time or those in which computer operations proceed at the same rate as a physical or external process. Real-time operations are characteristic of aircraft guidance systems, transaction-processing systems, scientific applications, and other areas in which a computer must respond to situations as they occur (for example, animating a graphic in a flight simulator or making corrections based on measurements)) | |||
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real-time (Of or relating to a time frame imposed by external constraints. Real-time operations are those in which the computer's activities match the human perception of time or those in which computer operations proceed at the same rate as a physical or external process. Real-time operations are characteristic of aircraft guidance systems, transaction-processing systems, scientific applications, and other areas in which a computer must respond to situations as they occur (for example, animating a graphic in a flight simulator or making corrections based on measurements)) |
tempo real : 113 phrases in 18 subjects |