
   Maltese English
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econ. Protocol; protocol
imfassal fuq il | bazi
gen. billet; cantonment
environ. base; bases
nat.sc. agric. base; common two-banded seabream; two banded bream
tal | Artikolu
comp., MS article
43 1 tal | Konvenzjoni
environ. convention
| dwar
comp., MS About
l Istabbiliment ta Uffi ju Ewropew tal | Pulizija
econ. police
li jemenda dik il | Konvenzjoni
environ. convention
- only individual words found

to phrases
protokoll n
econ. Protocol EU (UE); protocol
environ. protocol 1. The original draft of a document. 2. An international agreement of a less formal nature than a treaty. It is often used to amend treaties
Protokoll imfassal fuq il-bazi tal-Artikolu 43^1 tal-Konvenzjoni dwar l-Istabbiliment ta
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Criminal law1