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comp., MS My Notes (A OneNote notebook that is automatically created for every student and every educator. It contains tabs for each of their classes)
^" белгиси" n
comp., MS caret (The small, upward-pointing symbol (^) typically found over the 6 key on the top row of a microcomputer keyboard)
белги n
comp., MS charm (An icon that is attached to an event and that is viewable in someone's calendar. Depending on the calendar view, a charm may appear next to an event title, or may be the only visual representation of an event on a calendar day)
белгиси n
comp., MS at sign (The separator between account names and domain names in Internet e-mail addresses)
> белгиси n
comp., MS at sign (The separator between account names and domain names in Internet e-mail addresses)
***" белгиси" n
comp., MS caret (The small, upward-pointing symbol (***) typically found over the 6 key on the top row of a microcomputer keyboard)
: 39 phrases in 1 subject

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