English thesaurus |
abbr. |
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy; IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing; Shameless Self- Promotion; Society for Scholarly Publishing; Stainless Steel Polished; State Supplemental Payment; E. W. Scripps Company of Ohio CLass A; SACEUR schedule program; Safe Swimming Place; Scheduled Strike Program (NATO); School For Special Purposes; School Safety Software; School Spirit and Pride; Scientific Services Program; Secure Service Provider; Self Stabilizing Protocol; Server To Server Protocol; Shameless Self Promotion; ship speed; Sideways Star Press; Siemens Switching Processor; SIGINT Support Plan; Signalling and Switching Processor; Silent Stick Productions; Silhouette Sport Pistol; Silicon Switch Processor (Cisco); Simple Sphere Packing; Single Stock Point; Single-Shot Probability of Damage; Single-Source Processor; SIOP Support Program; Smalltalk Server Page; Solutions Service Provider; Sorghum Soy Pellets; Spanish Stalinist Program; Spanish Stalinist Programme; Specialty Silicone Products, Inc.; Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh; Standard Printer Port; SteamShovel Press; Structured Support Program; Student Support Program; Stun Sounds Products; Submarine Submarine Personnel (Submarine Transport); Sums of Squares and Products; Super Short Person; Supervisor Mode Stack Pointer (Vosoni); Support Strategies And Planning; Support Strategies Planning; Supreme Power Parts; Switch to Switch Protocol (DLSW, RFC 1795); Switch-to-Switch Protocol; System Security Plan; System Stack Pointer; System Support Program (OS, IBM) |
abbr., agric. |
soluble sodium percentage |
abbr., agric., chem. |
single superphosphate |
abbr., agrochem. |
soluble-sodium percentage |
abbr., anat. |
supraspinatus (Баян) |
abbr., auto. |
Satellite Service Provider (translator911); single side plate |
abbr., avia. |
Safety and System Performance; Site Security Profile; supplier specification plan; significant in-service problems; solid steel planking; system safety plan; system specification; systems safety program |
abbr., commun. |
Static Speed Profile |
abbr., comp. |
single stream processor (MichaelBurov); Secure Simple Pairing (littlebreath); single-streaming processor (MichaelBurov); single-stream processor (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Synchronous Serial Port |
abbr., comp.name. |
Saudi Steel Pipe Ltd. |
abbr., earth.sc. |
seismic section profiler; semisubmerged platform; shelf subsurface pressure; static self potential; successive simultaneity procedure; suspended solid particles; synthetic subsurface pressures |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Scholarly Societies Project; Summer Science Program |
abbr., el. |
scanning surface photovoltage technique; simple string processor; screen saver program; secure schedule program; secure shell package; self-sustained pulsation; service-specific part; servo signal processor; ship-shore telephone; signaling and switching processor; single step protocol; singular smoothing procedure; software system protocol; solid-state photodiode; solid-state preamplifier; spread spectrum processor; start-stop pattern; storage solution provider; subsystem prohibited; supervisor stack pointer; system service processor; system service provider; system status panel |
abbr., el., scient. |
Solid State Polymerization; Statistical Signal Processing |
abbr., file.ext. |
SAS Transport Datafile |
abbr., fin. |
Statement of Surveillance Priorities |
abbr., geophys. |
static SP |
abbr., inet. |
Sailor Senshi Page; supply-side platform (maximrrrr) |
abbr., IT |
Service Switching Point; Special Service Package; Super Short Print; server software package; service switch point; system service program; Security System Policy |
abbr., med. |
Scottish Society Of Physicians; Société Suisse De Pédiatrie; Sporozoite Surface Protein; slice sensitivity profile (harser); stereotactic surface projection (harser); sliding screw plate (система фиксации позвонка Natalya Rovina); sequence specific primer; sepsis stewardship program (ННатальЯ) |
abbr., mil. |
Source Selection Plan; System Support Package; Sound Speed Profile; Strategic Systems Programs; signals intelligence SIGINT support plan |
abbr., mil., avia. |
scouting seaplane |
abbr., mil., WMD |
Site Safety Plan; System Safety Program |
abbr., O&G, casp. |
strategic staffing plan (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
static spontaneous potential |
abbr., oil |
semi-submersible platform; severe service packer; single screen prepack; static spontaneous self-potential; steady state pulse; steam service pressure; subsurface release plugs; surface separation package |
abbr., org.name. |
Staff Selection Panel |
abbr., physiol. |
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis |
abbr., polit. |
Scottish Socialist Party; Swing State Project |
abbr., polym. |
simultaneous sequence production |
abbr., progr., IT |
Samba Sharing Package |
abbr., radiol. |
Sloped Slab Profile (методика переменного возбуждения вектора намагниченности, уравновешивающая насыщение текущей крови для создания 3D МР-ангиографии. VasDoc) |
abbr., scottish |
Selective Spectral Processor; Single Shot Probability; Stable Sensor Platform; System Security Policy |
abbr., sec.sys., IT |
Security Support Provider |
abbr., sol.pow. |
space solar power (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., space |
scientific subroutine package; signal and switching processor; standard switch panel |
abbr., sport. |
shot saved by defending player |
abbr., tech. |
ship security plan |
abbr., tradem. |
Storage Service Provider; Support Service Provider |
abbr., wood. |
solid state polymerisation |
energ.ind. |
site selection and preparation; staff site positions; supercritical steam parameters |
mil. |
scheduled strike plan; scouting seaplane; selective strike plan; semi-self-propelled; silo support plan; single-shot probability; sonar signal processor; source selection plan; stable semisubmerged platform; standby status panel; strategic systems project; supervisory surveillance program; system support program |
oil, abbr. |
stabilized semi-submersible platform |
tech. |
small-scale parallel; sodium sampling package; solid-state physics; space shuttle program; staff site position; static sodium pot; steady-state pulse; submersible sump pump |
gen. |
Statutory Sick Pay (naiva) |
abbr., med. |
subspecies |
O&G |
subspecies |