English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Communication Organization And Management; Customer's Own Material; Collection Operations Management; Computer Output on Microfiche; Computer Output on Microfilm; Computer Output to Microform; Control Of Mom; Council of Ministers; Crappy Object Model; common compiler; computer output microform |
abbr., auto. |
commuter |
abbr., avia. |
aeronautical telecommunication service; certification of manufacturer; company organization manual; cost of money |
abbr., bank. |
commission (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., comp. |
communications port |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Collecting Others Money |
abbr., cust. |
country of manufacture (13.05) |
abbr., dat.proc. |
computer output microfiche |
abbr., dril. |
crown-o-matic (противозатаскиватель талевого блока под кронблок empusa23) |
abbr., econ. |
costs of manufacture; computerized operations management |
abbr., ed., scient. |
College of Osteopathic Medicine |
abbr., el. |
cassette operating monitor; centralized operations and maintenance; classical optical microscope; communication operating module; communications; computer output micrographics; configuration object manager; connection-oriented mode; constant current modulation; controller module; core object model; coupling of modes; computer output to microfiche |
abbr., file.ext. |
Command binary file (Vosoni) |
abbr., fin. |
Communications Department |
abbr., food.ind. |
skim milk powder (сухое обезжиренное молоко antoxi) |
abbr., health., med. |
Cardiac Output Monitor |
abbr., inet. |
Candle Of The Month; Commercial Firm |
abbr., IT |
Common Object Model; Compressed unix file archive; Computer Output Microfiche; Computer Output on Microfilm; COMmunication port (Bricker); computer output microfilmer; Computer-On-Module (модульный компьютер nikolkor) |
abbr., med. |
Chronic Otitis Media; College Of Osteopathic Medicine; Component Object Model; Computer-output Microfilm; calcium oxalate monohydrate (harser); Cyclophosphamide, Oncovin, Methotrexate |
abbr., mil. |
Center of Mass; Character-Oriented Messages; Command; Computer Output to Microfilm; chief of mission; collection operations management |
abbr., mil., avia. |
checkout operations manual |
abbr., opt. |
Center for Optical Manufacturing |
abbr., org.name. |
Communications Division |
abbr., pharm. |
lamivudine/zidovudine combination tablet (фиксированная комбинация ламивудина и зидовудина Dimpassy) |
abbr., progr., IT |
Component Object Module |
abbr., scottish |
Compact Optronic Mast; Computer-Output Microfilm |
abbr., shipb. |
Check-out Operation Manual |
abbr., tech. |
orbital maneuvering system |
comp., abbr. |
Compressed unix file archive (compact) |
energ.ind. |
computer output on microfiche |
IT |
Continuation of Message |
mil. |
change order modification; check-out operations manual; Chief of Mission (U.S. Embassy); commissioned officers' mess; computer operator's manual |
tech. |
center-of-mass system; coal-oil mixture; code-division multiplexing; computer output microfilm; computer output microfilming; continuous delta modulation |
telecom., abbr. |
Continuation of Message (DQDB, SMDS) |
Communications |
abbr. |
comedy; comma; command; commandant; commander; commercial; commercial traveller; committee; common; commune; community; compiler; complement |
abbr., oil |
commerce, commercial |
IT |
communication; commutator |
sport. |
commission |
theatre. |
comedian |
abbr. |
commanding; communication; commerce (Vosoni) |
abbr., earth.sc. |
common |
abbr., econ. |
communication Verbindung; Verkehr; Nachrichtenwesen |
abbr., libr. |
comedy; comma; commentary |
lat. |
Coma Berenices (the Veronica's Hair, Волосы Вероники Vosoni) |
polym. |
commercial |
abbr. |
compensated; Commodore |
abbr., astr. |
Coma Berenices |
geogr. |
Comoros (Vosoni) |
O&G |
AVL-G compensated acoustic velocity log, gamma ray log; AVL-N compensated acoustic velocity log, neutron log |
abbr. |
coefficient of merit |
abbr., genet. |
coenzyme M |
abbr., sport. |
centre of mass |
abbr., adv. |
dot-com |
file.ext. |
Command (file name extension); Commercial Business (Domain Name, Internet) |
COM+ An extension of the COM (Component Object Model) programming architecture that includes a run-time or execution environment and extensible services, including transaction services, security, load balancing, and automatic memory management abbr. | |
abbr., comp., MS |
COM+ |
inet. |
Commercial Business (Domain Name) |
insur. |
Commission |
abbr. |
cold rubber oil black master batch |
abbr., avia. |
Cockpit Operating Manual; conceptual object model; computer operation manual |
abbr., busin. |
commence; commerce; commissioner; commonwealth; compression |
abbr., commer. |
commodity |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Committee on Metrication; compensation; composition |
abbr., econ. |
computer output micro-filming system |
abbr., oil |
combustion; combustibility; combustible; Commodity Options Market; Commission on Ore Microscopy; common-offset migration; Comoros; component object mode; computer-output micro-film; connecting module; connection operating module; counts per minute |
abbr., space |
centre of mass; computer-output microfilmer; computer-output micrograph; controlled carrier modulation |
abbr., telecom. |
curve of merit |
oil, abbr. |
coal oil mixture |
abbr. |
command; commander; community |
abbr., earth.sc. |
commission; committee |
abbr., electric. |
commutator |
abbr., oil |
Comanchean; Comley |
abbr., comp., MS |
COM+ (An extension of the COM (Component Object Model) programming architecture that includes a run-time or execution environment and extensible services, including transaction services, security, load balancing, and automatic memory management) |