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[pəu] abbr.
abbr. pilot operated (valve Сабу); part order; Patent Office g; Performance Objective; Portland, Oregon; Previous Owner; By Mouth per Os Or Orally; Directie Primair Onderwijs (Dutch Alex Lilo); Disney's Port Orleans Resort (Alex Lilo); Pacific Ocean; Packet Oriented (Alex Lilo); paints and oils; Palm Oil (Alex Lilo); Parity Odd (Alex Lilo); Partial Order (Alex Lilo); Partial Overlaps (spatial reasoning Alex Lilo); Partido Obrero (Argentina political party Alex Lilo); Partition Organized (Alex Lilo); Partner Organization; Passenger Operation; Patrologia Orientalis (Alex Lilo); Payment Order (Alex Lilo); Peace Operations; peace operations (US DoD Alex Lilo); Peace Opportunity (Alex Lilo); Peace Out (Alex Lilo); Peak Oil (Alex Lilo); Periodic Orbit; Personal Offer; Personnel & Organization (Alex Lilo); Petite Ondes (French: microwave Alex Lilo); Phone Order (medical Alex Lilo); Physicians Orders; pickled and oiled; Pig Out; Pilot Officer (Royal Air Force); Pilot-Only Receiver (Alex Lilo); Piss Off (Alex Lilo); Piss On; Piss On's; Pissed Off (Alex Lilo); Planning Objective (Alex Lilo); Planning Order (Alex Lilo); Platforma Obywatelska (Citizens Platform, Poland Alex Lilo); Point of Observation (Alex Lilo); Polikarpov (Soviet aircraft designer Alex Lilo); Political Outlines; Polymerizable Oligomers; polyolefine (Chuiko Pavlo); Pool (Alex Lilo); Poop Occurs (Alex Lilo); Pooped Out; Por Orden (Spanish: on Behalf of and By Order Of Alex Lilo); Port Orchard (Washington Alex Lilo); Portable Object; Portsmouth (UK postal code Alex Lilo); Possession of the US (IRB Alex Lilo); Post-Operative (Alex Lilo); Postal Office; Postal Order; Pouces (French: Inches Alex Lilo); Powerful Organization; Prato, Toscana (Italian province Alex Lilo); Prenegotiation Objective (USACE Alex Lilo); Presenting Officer; Presidential Office (Alex Lilo); Presiding Officer (Alex Lilo); Preventive Officer (Alex Lilo); Primary Objective (Alex Lilo); Primary Output; Printer Operator; Private Offer; Probability of Outage (Alex Lilo); Process Order; Procurement Operations (Alex Lilo); Production Offset (Alex Lilo); Program Office (r Alex Lilo); Program Operations (Alex Lilo); Program Originator Code (Alex Lilo); Program Region (Vosoni); Program/Procurement Objective (Alex Lilo); Prologue Overhead (Alex Lilo); Promotion Opportunity; Propositioning Objective (Alex Lilo); Propylene Oxide (Alex Lilo); Provocative Operation; Puke Off; Pump Operator (fire department Alex Lilo); Purchasing Office (Alex Lilo); Put Out (Alex Lilo); Sand/Dust Whirls (METAR weather Alex Lilo); principle only
abbr., auto. paint and oil; polyolefines; paint and oils
abbr., avia. post order; aircraft static air pressure; outside air pressure; parking order; pickoff; post flight inspection; powder; power on; power operated; Polar Air Cargo Worldwide Inc. (Cargo)
abbr., BrE pilot officer
abbr., busin. parts order; Planning Office; Preventive Office; Public Office; Public Officer
abbr., chem., scient. Polonium
abbr., comp., net. Primary out
abbr., comp.name. Pakistan Oilfields Corporation
abbr., earth.sc. organic phosphorus; phosphoryl; physical oceanography; plunger overtravel; postorbital; predicted output
abbr., econ. Patent Office; purchase order (заказ на поставку Yuriy83)
abbr., el. parallel output; parking orbit; phase object; planned order; polar optical phonon; postpay coin telephone; power-on; preferred orientation; principle of operation; programmed oscillator; programming objective; project-oriented; pull-out; pulse oscillation; pulse output; pure oxide
abbr., el., scient. Power Outage
abbr., electr.eng. partial outage; planned outage; power output
abbr., geol. Pliocene (MichaelBurov); Pliocene age (MichaelBurov); Pliocene division (MichaelBurov); Pliocene Epoch (MichaelBurov); Pliocene time (MichaelBurov); the Pliocene (MichaelBurov); Pliocene Division (MichaelBurov)
abbr., gov. public official (igisheva)
abbr., IT Plus One; parallel object; printout; Paperless Office
abbr., law Parents Of; Police Officer
abbr., med. By Mouth; By Mouth / Per Oral; orally; by mouth (Vosoni); parietal operculum; postoperative; pressure oscillation; professor ordinarius
abbr., media. Post Office
abbr., microel. parity odd (ssn)
abbr., mil. Petty Officer; Program Objective; Pull Out; Purchase Order; petty officer; Petty Officer, First Class; Private Office of the Secretary General
abbr., mil., avia. Pacific Ocean
abbr., NATO Private Office
abbr., O&G, casp. permit originator (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. pilot-operated
abbr., oil plotting office; polyzoa; primary orthoclase; primary outlet; Province of Ontario; pulled out; payout; pulled out; pulling; pump off
abbr., opt. power oscillator
abbr., pest.contr. performance objective
abbr., physiol., med. Per Os; Post Operative
abbr., plast. Polyolefin
abbr., police prison officer (igisheva); probation officer (a person appointed to supervise offenders who are on probation Val_Ships); parole officer (an official who supervises a prisoner who is on parole Val_Ships)
abbr., polit. Portugal
abbr., scottish Physical Optics; Pole Operator; Portugal (NATO country code)
abbr., securit. principal only
abbr., space Polyot; Potok
abbr., sport. put-outs; Pick Off; Pole On; Pull Off
abbr., textile pay office; port office; posting order; private offering
energ.ind. power operation
meteorol. Well developed dust/sand whirls
mil. post office; personnel office; personnel officer; personnel order; petroleum officer; planning objectives; police officer; political officer; power-operated; previous orders; private office; procurement objectives; procurement office; procurement officer; production order; program objective; program office; program originator; project office; project officer; project order; provisioning order; psychological operation
mil., abbr. probation officer; purchase order
railw. observation car
st.exch. principal-only (dimock)
tech. partially ordered; pay-off; polarity; program objectives; pulled-out; pumps off
Po [pəu] abbr.
abbr. pyrrhotite (Bema); overburden load pressure; pressure in oil phase; Poiseuille criterion; output power; polonium
abbr., avia. inlet total pressure
abbr., earth.sc. pollen; porphyroblasts; porphyry; powellite; pytope
abbr., med. partial pressure of arterial oxygen
abbr., mil., avia. polonium
po [pəu] abbr.
abbr. part of; poetry; pole
account. purchase order (заказ на покупку elena.kazan)
po. abbr.
abbr. pole
abbr., libr. poetry; point
po' abbr.
abbr. poor
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