
Japanese-Spanish dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
Abbreviation 387
Accumulators 193
Anatomy 25
Antennas and waveguides 1.070
Architecture 2
Astronomy 33
Automatic control 565
Avuncular 19
Baseball 15
Biology 25
Book binding 6
Botany 9
Buddhism 40
Cables and cable production 256
Chemistry 19
Childish 15
Computer networks 211
Computers 726
Ecology 44
Electric machinery 430
Electric motors 643
Electric traction 763
Electricity generation 644
Electrochemistry 113
Electronics 2.426
Finances 2
Food industry 79
General 92.795
Humorous / Jocular 2
Informal 117
International Monetary Fund 2.472
Isolation 498
Law 21
Lighting other than cinema 766
Linguistics 88
Magnetics 674
Manga 8
Mathematics 503
Medical 32
Mexican 167
Microsoft 15.651
Military 5
Music 37
Nuclear physics 478
Obsolete / dated 275
Patents 2
Pejorative 31
Physics 383
Piezoelectric crystals 275
Poetic 1
Power electronics 276
Power lines 724
Power system protection 480
Printed circuit boards 35
Proverb 21
Radio 1.776
Radiology 717
Rail transport 447
Reliability 405
Risk Management 56
Satellite communications 198
Semiconductors 363
Shinto 3
Slang 48
Sound recording 525
Sports 2
Sumo 35
Superconductivity 410
Telecommunications 748
Telegraphy 727
Telephony 254
Thermal Energy 640
Transformers 188
Ultrasound 24
Vacuum tubes 580
Video recording 160
Welding 147
Wind Energy 100
Total: 134.130

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