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social.sc. boy; Henry; horse; jee jee; jojee; Jones; joy powder; Mrs.White; peanut butter; scag; smack; white boy; white girl; white lady
sia f
gen. both; whether
essere f
gen. be
Stato f
econ. State
endo- v
gen. intro...
E adj.
automat. AND-
med. redox potential; oxidation-reduction potential; glutamic acid; α-aminoglutaric acid; 2-aminopentanedioic acid; Glu; Glx
e abbr.
gen. and; plus
 Italian thesaurus
E abbr.
abbr., tech. est; limite elastico
e abbr.
abbr., radio entrata
e. abbr.
abbr., tech. elettrone; entrata
с.e. abbr.
abbr., chem. campo elettrico
E. adj.
fin. euro (gorbulenko)
E abbr.
abbr., chem. forza elettromotrice
abbr., met. limito elastico
°E abbr.
abbr., chem. gradi Engler
abbr., met. grado Engler
E- abbr.
abbr., unit.meas. exa- (igisheva)
e obblighi simili
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