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agric. packing; stacking up; setting down; laying
comp., MS encapsulation (The method used to pass data from one protocol over a network within a different protocol. Data from one protocol is wrapped with the header of a different protocol. Encapsulation is described in RFC 1483)
metszet beágyazás n
agric. pouring over; flooding; filling up; priming (engine)
beágyaz v
agric. establish; fill up; lay down; put horses into harness
comp., MS embed (To insert information created in one program, such as a chart, an equation, an image, a video or a font, into another program or Web page); nest (To embed one construct inside another. For example, a database may contain a nested table (a table within a table), a program may contain a nested procedure (a procedure declared within a procedure), and a data structure may include a nested record (a record containing a field that is itself a record))
beágyazott v
comp., MS inline (In HTML code, referring to graphics displayed along with HTML-formatted text. Inline images placed in the line of HTML text use the tag . Text within an inline image can be aligned to the top, bottom, or middle of a specific image)
metszet beágyazása adj.
agric. pouring over; flooding; filling up; priming (engine)
: 45 phrases in 9 subjects
Data processing4
Information technology2
Oil / petroleum2
Shooting sport1

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