English thesaurus |
abbr. |
not at present |
abbr., avia. |
normal administrative practice; north apron; navigation analysis program; new airplane program; nonagency purchase; nuclear auxiliary power |
abbr., el. |
Internet access point; network access protocol; network analysis program; network application platform; network automatic plotting; noise analysis program; network applications platform |
abbr., IT |
network access provider |
abbr., med. |
nerve action potential (Natalya Rovina); angle of convexity, cephalometric measurement formed by connecting the nasion, point A and pogonion; neutrophil alkaline phosphatase; Nomina Anatomica Parisiensia; nucleic acid phosphorus |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
neo-significant address part |
abbr., mil., avia. |
national airport plan; naval aviation pilot, glider |
abbr., nautic. |
Naples Italy; Napoli Italy |
abbr., pharm. |
Nationally Authorised Product (iwona) |
abbr., telecom. |
network access point (ssn) |
energ.ind., abbr. |
nuclear accident phase; nuclear-active particle |
mil., abbr. |
naval aviation pilot, glider; naval aviation plan; nonaggression pact; nonnuclear armament plan |
tech., abbr. |
navigational analysis program |
abbr., chem. |
naphthalene |
O&G |
naphtha |
abbr. |
National Advantage Plan; Non Aggression Pact; Non Animal Polysorbate (fruit_jellies); not applicable (Please put NAP (Not Applicable) or NA (Not Available). All spaces must be filled with information or NAP/NA. Alex Krayevsky); No Advertising, Please |
abbr., comp., net. |
network access processor |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Network Access Points |
abbr., ecol. |
National Allocation Plan (bigbeat) |
abbr., ed. |
New Artist Program |
abbr., file.ext. |
Vector graphics (Naplps format, VideoShow - EnerGraphics) |
abbr., IT |
Network Access Point |
abbr., med. |
National Association Of Phlebotomists; Nerve Action Potential |
abbr., media. |
National Academies Press |
abbr., mil. |
Norwegian Army Protocol; Not Authorized Prepositioning; Non Attacking Pact (chewie_dude) |
abbr., physiol. |
neutrophil-activating protein (Игорь_2006) |
abbr., physiol., med. |
No Appointments Please |
abbr., progr., IT |
Network Application Program |
abbr., railw. |
Narragansett Pier Railroad Company |
abbr., sec.sys., IT |
Network Access Protection |
abbr., sport. |
North American Pairs |
abbr., st.exch. |
National Processing, Inc. |
abbr., tech. |
non arbour pollen |
abbr., tradem. |
Namie Amuro's Paradise |
airports, avia. |
Naples, Italy |
tech. |
network access process |
abbr. |
napoleon |
abbr. |
napalm |
abbr., avia. |
naval air priorities; normal acceleration point |
abbr., comp., net. |
network anonymous privacy; national access point |
abbr., cosmet. |
neurotoxin-associated protein (complexing protein ННатальЯ) |
abbr., earth.sc. |
National Association of Publishers; North America Philips Corp.; normal annual precipitation; nuclear analysis program (me) |
abbr., IT |
National Attachment Point; network access pricing |
abbr., life.sc. |
nonarboral pollen |
abbr., oil |
nodal analysis program; noise abatement procedure; nonarborescent pollen; Northern Appalachian |
abbr., polit. |
Non-agression Principle (wikipedia.org anton2020) |
abbr., space |
nitramine propellant; noise-abatement procedure; nonappropriated purchase |
abbr., UN |
National Adaptation Plans (Alexander Oshis) |
abbr., UN, ecol. |
national action programme |
NASA, abbr. |