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abbr. Gift Certificate; EduNET Georgia College Educators' Network; Gaining Command; Galactic Coordinates; Game Conference; Game Coordinator; Games Conference; General Cable; General Chemistry; General Cinema; General Conference; General Construction; Generational Curriculum; Generic Context; Genetic Compound; Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War; Georgia Central Railway L. P.; Get Crazy; Gilda's Club; gas-cooled (с газоохлаждением); Guatemala City; Glidden Co.; good conductor; Gizmo Cost; Global Cache; Global Catalog; Global Communications; Gold Coins; Good Call; Good Candidates; Good Charlotte; Good Conduct; Governing Council; government center (в названиях учреждений США Tiny Tony); Governor's Cup; Grand Concert; Grandfather Clause; Grasp Corpus; Gravimetric Calibrator; Great Coin; Greater Charlotte (North Carolina); Green Camouflage; Green Canyon; Green Card; Ground Compensation; Guard Crush; Guest's Copyright; Convention on Genocide
abbr., adv. Greater China
abbr., auto. good concrete; ground clearance
abbr., automat. grinding center
abbr., avia. Graphics Controller (Interex); ground crew; galvanic corrosion; gage capability; geographic coordinates; guidance controller; gyrosyn compass
abbr., biol. guanosine cyclase
abbr., BrE George Cross; group captain; Guards Coldstream
abbr., build.mat. glass concrete (MichaelBurov); glass-concrete (MichaelBurov); glass-crete (MichaelBurov); glasscrete (MichaelBurov)
abbr., busin. general contractor (MichaelBurov); gas container; Gold Clause; Government Chemist; ground contamination
abbr., chem. chromatography of gases
abbr., cytol. chocolate agar (Игорь_2006)
abbr., earth.sc. Galactic Center; gas chromatogram; generalized covariance method; glaucophane; grid coordinate; ground cover
abbr., EBRD General Counsel
abbr., econ. general conditions of government contracts
abbr., el. gain-coupled; gas cabinet; gas chromatographic analysis; gate-to-cathode bias; Gaussian channel; general purpose communication channel; glossy-film color; grand challenge; graphics communications; grating coupler; Gray code; ground collector; group command; group coupler; growth chamber; growth of crystal
abbr., fishery NAFO General Council (bimba)
abbr., IT game computer; garbage collection (Bricker); garbage collector (Bricker); garbage-collect; graphics context
abbr., lab.eq. gas chromatograph
abbr., law GRAND CHAMBER (Большая палата ЕСПЧ yurtranslate23)
abbr., life.sc. guanylate cyclase
abbr., med. Ganglion Cell; Giant Cell; Glycoprotein C; Goblet Cell; Golgi Cell; Granulosa Cell; gonococcus or gonorrheal; gonorrhea; gonococcal culture; granular casts; granulomatous colitis; guanine cytosine; guanyl cyclase
abbr., mil. Gas Chromatography; Geneva Conventions; general counsel; Geneva Convention
abbr., mil., air.def. giga cycles
abbr., mil., avia. gain compression
abbr., mining. gun-cotton
abbr., monk. Gamecube
abbr., nautic., scient. Gas Chromatograph
abbr., O&G, karach. gauge cutter (Карачаганак, Rigless &, WireLine Aiman Sagatova)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. grade code
abbr., oil gas and condensate (andrushin); gas cut (andrushin); gas chromatographic; gas coefficient; gas compressor; gas condensate; gas-liquid chromatography; gathering centers; Geiger counter; general catalogue; general command; generalized covariance; gigacycle per second; Glidden Chemical Corporation; grade crossing; graft copolymer; graphite carbon; gravelly clay; green carborundum grain; group control; Group on Computer; Gulf Coast; gun perforated casing
abbr., opt. gas chromatography
abbr., pharm. gluco-corticosteroid (MichaelBurov); glucocorticoid (MichaelBurov); glucocorticosteroid (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol. guanylyl cyclase; General Condition; Gonococcus
abbr., polit. Democratic Republic of Germany (former)
abbr., polym. glass cloth
abbr., progr., IT Garbage Collection; Garbage Collector
abbr., scient. gyrocompass course
abbr., scottish General Council; Germany (NATO country code; former Soviet Zone); Gun Controller
abbr., shipb. grid course
abbr., space gas liquid chromatography; ground controller; gyrocompassing
abbr., sport. Golf Club; Grand Champion
energ.ind. gas centrifuge; gas-cooled; generation company; glassy carbon; grid connection
mil. general circular; general cueing; generic code; ground and control; ground control; ground-controlled; guidance computer; guidance control; gun camera; gun captain; gun carriage; gun control; gyro compass
physiol. General condition; Gonococcal
tech. gain control; gate circuit; gate current; generic communication; global control; grounded collector; grounded condenser; group on computers; guidance and control; gyro control; gyrocompass
gc abbr.
abbr. conversion constant; general cargo; general contractor; geographical coordinates; gigacycle; great circle
abbr., lab.eq. gonococcus
O&G pressure gradient of cement slurry
Gc abbr.
abbr. gonococcus (Vosoni); gigacycles
abbr., earth.sc. global change
abbr., med. group-specific component
abbr., phys. conversion conductance
GC ????
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