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SMS abbr.
abbr. Senior Management Service; Slow Moving Software; SECS Message Service; Send Me Symbols; Sex Messaging System; Sexual Male Seeker; Shit Must Stop; Short Of Mental Stamina; Show Me Sister; silicomanganese steel; Space Meterological Satellite; system measurement software; soil moisture stress; Stand-Alone Analysis Subsystems; Standard Management System (SS7); Ste. Marie, Madagascar; Subscription and Maintenance Service (Alex Lilo); Synchronous Meteorological Satellites; System Management Server (MS); short messaging system (вк)
abbr., astr., scient. Sun, Moon, And Stars
abbr., astronaut. Satellite Multiservices System; space materials science
abbr., auto. short-message service; short message service system; speed multiplication system
abbr., avia. spectrum monitoring system; stores management set; system management server; spinning mode synthesizer; stores storage management system; supply management system; surface management system
abbr., avia., med. space motion sickness
abbr., bodybuild. Special Monitoring Service (MichaelBurov)
abbr., busin. silico-manganese steel; soft machinery steel; specimens
abbr., chem. sodium methyl sulphate
abbr., commun. Subnetwork Management System; Sub-network Management System
abbr., comp. Subscription, Maintenance and Support (Imoen)
abbr., comp., MS text message (A short alphanumeric message that is sent between mobile phones or devices using the SMS protocol)
abbr., comp., net., IT Systems Management Server
abbr., cust. State Migration Services (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., earth.sc. safe minimum standard; Scottish Meteorological Society; silty mudstone; spark-source mass spectroscopy; standard meteorological station; stationary meteorological satellite; supervised measuring station; supervisor-monitor-scheduler; synoptic meteorological sounding
abbr., ed. School Management System
abbr., el. semiconductor-metal-semiconductor (structure); satellite multi-service (system); screen management system; SDH management subnetwork; shared mass storage; side-mode suppression; silicon-molybdenum Schottky diode; software monitoring system; statistical mode sensor; state monitoring system; status monitoring system; storage management service; storage management software; structured multicomputer system; subcarrier multiplexed system; sub-management system; surface mounting switch; switching matrix subelement; system management software; system management storage; system management system; system measurement service; systems management suite
abbr., expl. Site-Mixed Slurry
abbr., file.ext. Small Messaging System; Storage Management Subsystem/System
abbr., fin. Specimen Management System
abbr., IT Sega Master System; Service Management System; Short Message Service; Short Message Services; Short Message System; Short Messages Service; Short Messaging Service; Shred Mylar Surface; Storage Management Subsystem; System Managed Storage; short message service (Bricker); short message/pager service; Storage Management Services; Storage Management System
abbr., Makarov. single molecule spectroscopy
abbr., med. Smith-Magenis Syndrome; Society For Medical Simulation; Solitary Myofibromatosis Of The Skin; Stiff-man Syndrome; Shared Medical Systems; somatostatin (Vosoni); spinal motion segment (ННатальЯ); standard methadone services (Millie); Spanish Menopause Society (ННатальЯ); Senior Medical Student; Smith-Magenis syndrome
abbr., media. small message service; short pager service; small pager service
abbr., mil. Seiner Majestat Schiff; Sleep Management System; Supply Management Software; Signature Management System; Single Mobility System; special military information support operations study
abbr., mil., air.def. strap management system
abbr., mil., avia. San Marco Scout
abbr., mil., WMD Site maintenance shop
abbr., multimed. short message/messaging service
abbr., nautic., scient. Synchronous Meteorological Satellite
abbr., O&G, sakh. short messages
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. shore metering station
abbr., oil root mean square; sand and erosion monitoring system; seafloor mapping system; seal management system; slurry mix skid; sorbitan monostearate; spread mooring system; styrene-2-methylstyrene (copolymer); subsea manifold system; subsea metering system
abbr., oil.proc. Schoepentoeter + mist mat + swirl tube (Shell technology aleko.2006)
abbr., physiol. Smith Magenis Syndrome
abbr., plast. styrene α-methyl styrene copolymer; styrene-alpha-methylstyrene; styrene α-methylstyrene copolymer
abbr., polym. Spun-Melt-Spun (нетканый материал, созданный смешиванием материалов Spunbond и Meltdown kumold)
abbr., progr., IT Smart Messaging Service
abbr., psychol. Sport Motivation Scale (шкала спортивной мотивации Min$draV)
abbr., robot. Semi-autonomous Manipulation System (qwarty)
abbr., scottish Security Management System; Ship Management System; Shorts Missile Systems Ltd; SIGINT Manpack System; Signal Measurement System; Space Mission Simulator; Supply & Movements Squadron (UK Royal Air Force); Suspended Manoeuvring System
abbr., space satellite motion simulator; satellite multiservice; small magnetospheric satellite; solar maximum satellite; standard modular system of package; subscriber management system
abbr., st.exch. Shared Medical Systems Corporation; Stock Market Simulation
abbr., transp. Safety Management System; Simulation Modeling System
comp. satellite multiservice system
ecol. synchronous meteorological satellite
energ.ind. station monitoring system
mil. satellite and missile surveillance; scatterable mine system; senior master sergeant; sensor monitoring set; ship's missile system; signal messenger service; signal missile support; spares management system; stores management system; strategic missile squadron; strategic missile system; support missile system; surface missile ship; surface missile system; systems maintenance sector; systems maintenance service
tech. semiconductor-metal-semiconductor; ship motion simulator; Shuttle mission simulator; soil-moisture suction; special monitoring system; standard modular system; structured multimicroprocessor system
sms abbr.
abbr. Same or Similar (Franka_LV)
cloth. Small and Medium Sized (Franka_LV)
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