English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Incredibly Insecure Stuff; Integrated Information Services; Internet Infected Server; It Isn't Secure; I Is Shit; Idiotic Intrusion Service; Imagery Interpretation Segment; Indirect Identification System; Intelligence Information System (Mil.); intelligent information systems (Anglophile); Internet Information Server / Services (MS); IPAC Intelligence Summary |
abbr., avia. |
Nissan Island, Papua New Guinea |
abbr., earth.sc. |
improved irrigation systems; incoming inspection sub-system; Indian Institute of Science; infrared interference spectrometer; Institute of Information Scientists; International Imaging System |
abbr., energ.ind. |
interruptions incentive scheme (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., file.ext. |
Internet Information Server/Services (Microsoft) |
abbr., inet. |
Interactive Information Services; Internet Information Service; Is It Secure |
abbr., insur. |
International Insurance Society, Inc |
abbr., IT |
Internet Information Server; internet information server (Bricker); interactive instruction system |
abbr., law |
It Isn't Safe |
abbr., Makarov. |
integrated implementation schedule |
abbr., med. |
Israel Immunological Society (ННатальЯ); Immunization Information System (Nu Zdravstvuy) |
abbr., mil. |
Inter-vehicular Information System; Intelligence Information Solution (решение задач разведывательной информации WiseSnake) |
abbr., oil |
Informational Intelligence Summary; Internet Interface Systems |
abbr., scottish |
Infra-red Imaging System; Integrated Instrument System; Intermediate Interceptor System (USA) |
abbr., sport. |
Interactive Internet Sports |
abbr., st.exch. |
Cigna Investments Securities, Inc. |
abbr., verbat. |
Integrated Incentive System (Mag A) |
abbr., vet.med., med. |
International Iguana Society |
mil. |
image intensified system; imagery interpretation segments; improved infrared source; infrared imaging system; inspection instruction sheet; inspections and investigations staff; integrated information system; intelligence information summary; intelligence information system |
tech. |
in-core instrumentation system; infrared instrumentation system; integrated insulation system |
abbr., auto. |
integrated information service; internet information service server |
abbr., avia. |
inspection item sheet; inventory item specification |
abbr., el. |
idle indication signal; interactive information server; interactive information system; interactive instructional system; Internet information system; intruder identification system; invert indicator from storage; ion implantation system; ionized impurity scattering; isochronous information server |
abbr., el.com. |
Internet Information Services |
abbr., journ. |
India Information Service |
abbr., med. |
Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies |
abbr., media. |
Internet Information Server 5.0 |